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Re: [iot-pmc] Vote for Paho CQs - JavaScript & WebSockets


we only ship the client JavaScript code, plus a minified version of it. The code is interpreted by the environment in which it is running, so no, we don't ship a JavaScript nor WebSocket implementation.


On 04/11/2016 08:18 AM, Jens Reimann wrote:

There are two more CQs from Paho which we did not process in the past
batches: - JavaScript - WebSockets API

So to my understanding these are different than just "Web Browser" since
these Paho components actually run in a web browser and therefore
require both technologies.

I think we have again the situation of having one specification and
multiple implementations here. JavaScript gets implemented by different
engines and there different implementations of the WebSockets API. And
to my knowledge Paho could possibly also run inside Node.JS with some
Node.JS based WebSockets API. So no need for a web browser at all.

Also, as far as I understood it, Paho will ship neither a JavaScript nor
WebSockets implementation. It expects those to be there.

So both CQs sound like a pre-requisite exempt to me.


Ian Craggs
icraggs@xxxxxxxxxx                 IBM United Kingdom
Paho Project Lead; Committer on Mosquitto

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