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Re: [incubation] Multiple repos for one project


I also do agree that multiple repos may have impediments to user
however several actions can be done on the project organisation to help decrease this downside

In GEMOC, we also have switched to multiple repos (hosted in the eclipse organisation on github)
- for helping control consistency of cross-repos commits, we use synchronisation script that help to create an artificial repo having git submodules (this repo in invisible to causual user). Based on a simple strategy (every branches with the same name are supposed to be part of the same feature/bug/issue) This helps to have a multibranch pipeline on jenkins that verify the integration automatically.
- about finding where are the plugins,
   - the "import as > Project From a repository" on a given plugin is pretty useful too. (simple to setup in your maven/tycho configuration)
   - obviously, naming convention will help a lot too.

Le 21/06/2019 à 12:26, Ed Willink a écrit :


Yes it certainly is possible. Eclipse as a whole has many projects with many repos. The Eclipse platform project has multiple repos.

However I see major trade-offs
- multiple repos is a pain for usage and especially for users
- multiple repos might be faster once they have grown, but I have not seen performance data
- multiple repos may need cross-repo commits.
- changing repo organisation is a pain all round

I really wouldn't recommend using multiple repos until you have demonstrated that they are beneficial for you.

Xtext decided to change to multiple repos with the result that my workspace doesn't work any more and I don't have time to sort out what changed. The platform has multiple repos so that I can never find what I want. (OOMPH provides a repo finder.)

IMHO, multiple repos provides a significant impediment to your casual users.


Ed Willink

On 21/06/2019 11:07, Gabriele Bbaldoni wrote:
Hi guys,

I have a simple question about git repositories,
It is possible to have multiple repos for each component of a single Eclipse project?
I mean in the case the complexity of the project grows I think having different repos for the different modules can help.

It is possible?

Gabriele Baldoni
Technologist — Advanced Technology Office
ADLINK Technology Inc.

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