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[incubation] questions about inclusion of legal docs in distribution

I am struggling a bit with applying the requirements as set out in to the technology.rdf4j project.

First of all, the guide says that including the standard SUA in the project root as "notice.html" is required.

However, the standard SUA is very much EPL-based and seems written from the perspective of the main Eclipse IDE project. I appreciate that it says "unless otherwise indicated", and that I can indicate (by adding an about file and a license file) that we operate on a different license (EDL, in our case). Nevertheless, including it in the project root in this fashion is bound to confuse potential users, and likely to cause the (incorrect) perception that rdf4j is EPL-licensed, or dual-licensed.

Should I just accept that confusion and include it as-is, or can I leave it out? As the guide says, the main purpose of the SUA is merely to say that "unless otherwise indicated EPL applies", and since EPL _doesn't_ apply to our project, it seems pointless to include it.

Second question: the guide emphasizes in several places that the included legal files (the about file, the license, and the SUA) must be included as html files. Is this really a hard requirement? The reason I ask is that plain text (or Markdown) would make viewing these documents on GitHub a lot easier.



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