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Re: [ide-dev] Link from inside Eclipse IDE to how to contribute

On 10/03/2017 02:15 PM, Mickael Istria wrote:
First, I stated multiple times already that despite I think a pop-up is not as bad as most people here estimat

What a coincidence.   When I started Eclipse yesterday, I was greeted with the image below (a popup for LiClipseText)  and felt sympathetic to the project team. Perhaps I'm not the norm and too close to the forest, but I do agree with you that, if well done, a popup is not as bad as it's made out to be.

I'll paste the text in case the image doesn't come through.

I'm reaching out for you today to ask for your help to keep LiClipseText properly supported.

LiClipseText is kept as an open source product and relies on contributions to remain being developerd, so, if you feel that's a worthy goal, please take a look at and contribute if you can.

Thank you,


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