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Re: [ide-dev] News about @EclipseJavaIDE account and its progress

Well done, all.  How do you like us to submit tips?


> On 9-Mar-2017, at 5:06 AM, Sopot Cela <scela@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> More than a month ago we created an Eclipse Java IDE twitter account under . Right now this account is being staffed by me, Mickael Istria and Noopur Gupta on a voluntary basis.
> We have put a strategy in place which guides our posting content and our interaction with answers, quotes etc. 
> The content focus has been exclusively on tips, news and support mostly on the Java IDE. The top tweets include the 'Type filter' hints and the 'Generate getters/setters' tip. See 'top-tweets' screenshot I have attached out of my analytics for details.
> In terms of reach we have 500+ followers and achieved around 100 000 impressions ('impression' defined by twitter as "Number of times users saw a tweet on Twitter"). Retweeting our tweets has immediate impact on raising this faster, especially from Lars Vogel and his huge Twitter reach which I'd like to thank. Attached is also a 'Demographics' snapshot which gives you a picture of our follower's demographics.
> I am putting together in my head plans to improve many aspects like bigger reach, diversity issue, geographical spread etc. for which I've been in touch with the Eclipse Foundation among others. They have been very supportive and I thank them for that.
> Best regards,
> Sopot
> <top-tweets.png><Demographics.png>_______________________________________________
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