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Re: [ide-dev] Blog Comments

From: <ide-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Mickael Istria <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx>
On 09/19/2016 09:33 PM, Pascal Rapicault wrote:
Sadly I can only agree with his statement.
Since we don't seem to be too good at identifying where we suck, and we don't really use the other IDEs, I suggest that we use of FoE money to do a gap analysis of Eclipse and other IDEs:
Here is one for free, based on something like 3 to 4 hours a week reading tweets and blogs related to IDEs and trying to help users on stackoverflow and some other French forum. Those are somehow sorted by what I estimate as "potential power to bring former Eclipse IDE back to Eclipse IDE".
* JS => Completion, Hover
* HTML => Support for Angular2

FWIW, I’ve been using Angelo Zerr’s plug-ins for Typescript and Angular 2 with some success. They’re a bit buggy but at least it’s a start.

* Platform => Less dialogs, less controls, less views, less perspectives, less menus; more simplicity and consistency ("do more with less").
* HTML, CSS => Smarter navigation, more helpful hover and content assist
* JDT => better completion based on type compatibility with expected value, allow chain completion
* m2e => Invisibility (people who do Maven don't even want to know what m2e is, it's supposed to be invisible)
* Android => Support for Gradle, bugfixes

As I commented in Pascal’s bug about shipping external plug-ins, I’d love to see an Ultimate Edition of Eclipse which had all of these things available in a single install, because I do all of these things at one time or other. Plus some things that Pydev and Nodeclipse can help with. I think it would also help us focus on the consistency issue we face when they are all combined into a single user experience.

Most of those have had Bugzilla open for a while.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer for Red Hat Developers
My blog - My Tweets

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