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Re: [ide-dev] How to encourage contributions and what kind of contributions?


this is a very insightful and nicely worded answer! Thank you :-)


On 2014-06-02 15:13, John Arthorne wrote:
 > From: Michael Scharf <eclipse@xxxxxxxxx>
 > So, what would be YOUR message if you are asked to motivate
 > a company to contribute to eclipse? What other ways than
 > "personal commitment" can help eclipse?

I would say from a business perspective, they have a dependency on this stack of technology but have no capacity to make changes in it. So if an urgent customer problem comes up, or an important request for enhancement, they have very
limited options for addressing them. This introduces business risk that can be mitigated by either contracting for support or directly funding a developer to engage with the open source community.

One common concern with this, is that with a large pool of open source technology they are using, where to direct that investment. A committer tends to be highly specialized on a narrow area, but what if they need changes in another area?
What they may not realize is that there's a sort of internal economy of good will within the committer community. A committer is often much more willing to help out someone who is an active committer on another project - they never know
when they might need that favor returned :) So by even investing in a single committer, it gives leverage over a wider technology area where they can now effect change. As a free bonus, through active engagement with the open source
community, they will gain exposure to other great open source technologies that they might not have discovered otherwise. Discovering a new O/S technology that solves a business problem can result in huge savings in the long term.

That's my attempt at a "German Accountant" answer to your question ;)


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