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RE: [higgins-dev] Revised Higgins data model goals

Tangential response:


(The #11 refered to below is now [7] in the current draft )


[7] has been improved to no longer imply that interoperability requires both a common data model and a schema language. You can have some limited (e.g. read-only inspection, navigation) with only a common data model. But it is a schema (especially very expressive ones like OWL) that let you (where you is a Higgins app or another context provider) understand enough of the semantics to be able to edit/update the data.


Direct response:


I’ll address this main point that you raised here in my response to a more recent email of yours that addresses this same issue.


Tony wrote:

So #11 I think is wrong as you don't have to have a common schema description language, the data model has to be the same but one can use a different schema description language. So one implementation could use RDF and another implementation could use something else.

So I don't think the data model has to change if you want to describe the data model in RDF.

Anthony Nadalin | Work 512.838.0085 | Cell 512.289.4122
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04/12/2006 10:43 PM

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[higgins-dev] Revised Higgins data model goals


I am working on yet another data model proposal based on RDF. While I've
been working on it, I've compiled a revised set of data model goals. Some
are goals that I think we'd all agree on but were never explicitly stated.
And admittedly some only make sense when viewed from the lens of RDF. The
new goals are here: 

A few words about RDF...RDF offers a simple, proven, rigorous, standardized
framework to describe the *semantics* of data in any context to enable
interoperability. It allows object classes to be described in RDF Schema
descriptions (or even more powerful ontology description languages) instead
of in the core data model itself. Context provider implementers are free to
choose whatever internal data classes, structures, relational tables, etc.
that they prefer, as long as they understand the mapping from it to RDF and
RDF-Schema. My hope is that RDF will allow us to agree on a simple data
model as a foundation and then move up a level to work on common


PS: Here is RDF primer in half a page:

RDF is extremely simple. In the core data model there are only three
fundamental primitives:

 Resources - a thing (identified by a URI)
 Properties - Resources have Properties (identified by a URI)
 Values - Properties have values. The values can be literals or Resources

Data is described in RDF by using a set of statements (called triples). Each
statement has three parts:

 Subject - the resource
 Predicate - the property of the resource
 Object - the value of the predicate of the resource

Here are a couple of examples of RDF triples (liberties taken to prettify
URIs of the resources: Paul, Jim, and B-Movies):

 {Paul, eyeColor, "green"}
 {Paul, interestedIn, B-Movies}
 {Paul, knows, Jim}
 {Jim, interestedIn, B-Movies}

Layered over RDF is RDF-Schema that adds the notion of what in UML would be
called a class.
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