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[gmf-dev] GMF future on Kepler: Tycho and Git

Hi GMF guys,

in order to have GMF in the release train for Kepler, several things need to be done.
I think that the blocking points are the following:
  • move GMF-Runtime and GMF-Notation to GIT
  • move GMF-Runtime and GMF-Notation to Tycho
@GMF-Tooling guys: I think GMF-Tooling is ready, right?

GMF-Runtime Tycho build is almost ok for trunk:
Still need some information of where to push update site and fix 4 tests.

Do we have other requirements?
Does EMF-Validation, EMF-Transaction and EMF Query need also to do that? (From a previous thread on cross-projects, there was a story that there were not enabled)

@Anthony, can we plan a move to git in the coming weeks?

Does anybody think about another requirements to be part of Kepler Release Train?



Aurelien Pupier
R&D Engineer, BOS Studio Developer

BonitaSoft - Open your processes
email : aurelien.pupier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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