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Re: [geclipse-dev] FW: Adding EBS

Hi Harald,

As far as I understand the situtation with EBS yet, there is no opportunity to browse the content of the EBS "Block device" independently from a running instance. Mina will look at this in the next weeks. But if there is no way to "browse" the EBS content, the integration of a EBS-EFS-implementation is out of scope.

The more interesting thing is if there even is a use-case for browsing the EBS content from the client-side?! As far as I understand EBS it is meant to be a block device ready to be attached to a running EC2 instance. It is like a harddrive connected to a running machine. So here are my thoughts:

1) Normally I do not want to have my harddrive attached to more than one machine, regardless from if the machine is local or remote, server or client side.

2) If I would like to have access to parts of my harddrive (databases, remote mounts, etc.) from the client side I am providing suitable services on my server side giving such access (like samba, database connections etc.), but never ever I would like to give full access to the client side.

So for a client like g-Eclipse I rather see use-cases like

1. Create/Delete an EBS volume
2. Attach/Detach a volume to a running instance
3. Create snapshots of the volume
4. Share these snapshots

Cheers, Mathias

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