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Re: [flux-dev] Status update

Hey Fjodor,

> I have found bug in eclipse bugzilla with name "Add a general Java file system client to the Flux sync mechanism", which looks very similar to my topic. Could you assign this bug to me, then I add some information about current state.

You can assign the bug yourself, I think. Please feel tree to do so… :-)
And please add details about the work that you have done so far in that entry.

You could also add more individual bugzilla items to track smaller steps of your work.

> I have implemented some file system support features. You can have a look at latest code at my github code repository. Here is the link, branch name is “fs”.

Which features did you implement?
“created prototype” as a commit message doesn’t reveal much information about the work that you’ve done… ;-)

@Sun: since you suggested to integrate this with Codenvy, your thoughts are welcome here, too.


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