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Re: [equinox-dev] Equinox initializer (and now P2)

Hi Tom,

I'm always on latest and greatest VM (-: - OpenJDK 1.7.

Unfortunately, I'm not able to restrict users from using eclipse -clean,
but this would not help much, as the bundle order is changed even after
reconciler installs anything (which is always the case for Fedora).

I reviewed simpleconfigurator and it turned out it is ordered - it does
not change the bundle installation order out of the blue. So it must
have been something that feds data to the simpleconfigurator...

... and it is the planner and the p2 plan. Plan operands drive directly
the order in which bundles are added to the ConfigData which is later
used for writing and plan operands are sorted

Is there any way to get the planner consider master bundle order and
preserve it unless there is need (like bundle uninstalled, or some other
dependencies changed) to break it?

Regarding the inclusion into the build - I've opened a bug quite some
time ago for CBI:
386670: Include org.eclipse.equinox.initializer into CBI build

Best regards,

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