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Re: [egit-dev] Commit and push button looks broken and annoying popup

Preference to hide this dialog would be great.

Thanks Matthias.

Am 14.04.2016 4:39 nachm. schrieb "Matthias Sohn" <matthias.sohn@xxxxxxxxx>:
On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 11:21 AM, Lars Vogel <lars.vogel@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

since a few weeks the Commit and push button looks broken. See egitbutton.png

Also I'm getting an annoying "where do you want to push" popup, if I
push to Gerrit. See annoyingpopup.png.

I have not changed my Gerrit configuration (see pushconfiguration.png)
and EGit used to push directly to ref/for/master without asking me.

I'm using   Eclipse Git Team Provider Eclipse EGit.

Would be nice to have the button fixed and the behavior as before (not
asking again and again for the ref spec).

this was implemented in

Many users didn't dare to use "Commit & Push" since they weren't sure what it exactly does.
The action now also respects which branch the local branch you are pushing is tracking.
So if the local branch tracks origin/stable-1.0 it will push to refs/for/stable-1.0.

Similarily if your upstream repository isn't Gerrit but another Git server then "Commit & Push"
will open the same dialog you get from "Push branch..." in the repositories view. Also this dialog
is respecting the tracking information of the local branch being pushed.

Obviously there are users who don't want to see that dialog. So I propose we add a preference
to allow skipping the dialog.

The broken layout seems to be platform dependent, on Mac it's rendered correctly:


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