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[ee4j-pmc] Nightly Builds for API projects

PMC and Webmaster,


the JAX-RS project (actually all API projects) urgently need nightly builds pushed to OSSRH Snapshot Repository.


The reason is that while further developing the APIs (here: JAX-RS API), in parallel we work on the RIs (here: Jersey). The problem is that once we push a PR which uses the changed API, CI of the RI will fail as the CI system cannot find the modified API. The reason is that the API was "nightly" built (actually, thanks to Travis, built right after the git push in fact), but then the artifact simply gets discarded.


The solution clearly is to not discard these artifacts, but to push them to a Snapshot Repository. In particular, OSSRH Snapshot Repository.


The question is: What the is the "official" way to get this set up a Snapshot Repository? Does every project have to do that, or is the Webmaster doing that, or is the PMC preparing a "central exchange" for work-in-progress?




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