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Re: [ee4j-community] Charter Feedback - Establishing new projects


I am not sure if it is terminology or what, but you do seem to be confused about some things. And if you're confused, I am sure that others are as well.

The working group (which will be renamed to use the Jakarta name) is an umbrella organizations that will host a specification process. Think of it as the replacement for the JCP for Jarkarta EE going forward. I *think*, but obviously do not know for sure, that you are thinking that the term "working group" is analogous to what we currently call a JSR expert group. There will be many of those in the future, but we don't even have a name for what those will be called yet. But roughly you can think of the idea that there is one working group that supports many expert groups.

You are correct that we are overdue in posting a revised draft of the working group charter. We will try to get that done today.


On 2018-03-02 6:07 AM, John D. Ament wrote:
I'm not sure what you're implying there.  Reading the FAQ doesn't give me any inclination that there's a single working group for the entire Jakarta EE vs a working group per related technology.  In addition, considering that the link charter is not to up to date with what has been shared via email, I do have concerns over its completeness.  It was also heavily implied in other conversations (I've been involved in) that there would be multiple working groups, so it seems odd to now hear there's a single working group.


On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 4:47 PM Steve Millidge (Payara) <steve.millidge@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

BTW I would recommend reading the Proposed Working Group FAQ it clarified things a lot in my mind.


From: ee4j-community-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <ee4j-community-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of John D. Ament
Sent: 01 March 2018 21:15

To: EE4J community discussions <ee4j-community@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Subject: Re: [ee4j-community] Charter Feedback - Establishing new projects


So if a new working group is to be established, it would just come through as a new project request?

On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 2:58 PM Kevin Sutter <sutter@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Overall, I agree with Steve's assessment.  But...  I don't think it's up to the EE4J PMC to propose new projects.  Anybody can do an Eclipse project proposal.  When a proposal is submitted, a top-level project is selected.  The PMC for that project will then be notified and asked to review it.  So, if somebody wants to create a new EE4J sub-project, they could submit a proposal to the EE4J PMC, and it would be evaluated.  If the PMC approves it then it would be submitted to the Eclipse team for provisioning of the new project.

For now, all of the "Java EE" projects are being proposed by the EE4J PMC (specifically, Dmitry is doing most of that leg work, thank you!).  But, after Jakarta EE gets established, then I would not expect that responsibility to fall on the PMC shoulders.  We would become a bottleneck if that were to happen.  We need more participation from the community and new project proposals would be part of that activity.

Kevin Sutter
STSM, MicroProfile and Java EE architect
e-mail:  sutter@xxxxxxxxxx     Twitter:  @kwsutter
phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)    

From:        "Steve Millidge (Payara)" <steve.millidge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To:        EE4J community discussions <ee4j-community@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:        03/01/2018 12:37 PM
Subject:        Re: [ee4j-community] Charter Feedback - Establishing new projects
Sent by:        ee4j-community-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Personal view here but my understanding is that it is for the PMC of the EE4J top level project to decide on the creation of a new sub-project.
Again personal view my suggestion is get a bunch of people interested start prototyping some code, drafting an api etc. Possibly in a sandbox repo within EE4J. If it gets a level of traction ask the PMC for a formal sub-project.
When the new api has reached a level of maturity that it has an agreed first cut API, TCK and Specs then it would be considered for inclusion in the future overall Jakarta EE platform by the Working Group.
Personally I don’t see the WG getting involved until a level of maturity is reached.
Others may have a different view as this is still all being worked out.
From: ee4j-community-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <ee4j-community-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of John D. Ament
01 March 2018 18:18
EE4J community discussions <ee4j-community@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[ee4j-community] Charter Feedback - Establishing new projects

While reviewing the charter (btw is there a public link somewhere to the latest? I only see it via email) I had one question pop up.
How do new projects get established for the working groups?
Right now we have a slew of projects coming in from the initial donation, at some point we're going to want to dive into newer technologies.  Some features may make sense to go into existing projects, but others may make more sense to start to become their own project; with their own APIs, specs and TCKs.  Which committees are responsible for reviewing and establishing these new projects, as well as determining the lines between two projects?

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