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Re: [eclipselink-users] Uregntly need help for thesis: Batch reading of collection with lazy OneToOne relation

Hi Tom,

I think I explained it the wrong way last time. The performance-measuring is just a small part in which provider-specifically performance-optimized use-cases (goal: at least SQLs as possible) are measured and compared. The main focus of the thesis lies on evaluating the persistence providers performance optimization capabilities by means of typical use-cases. My bad!

You´re right. So far, a partner just might have the role "employee". Sorry I missed that fact out.

I did already try it with a customizer based on the workaround from Doug Clarke "Accessing un-mapped attributes using QueryKey " ( The role entity class was annotated with this Customizer:

package customizer;

import org.eclipse.persistence.config.DescriptorCustomizer;
import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;
// The customizer adds the direct query keys
public class RoleCustomizer implements DescriptorCustomizer {
   public void customize(ClassDescriptor descriptor) throws Exception {
       descriptor.addDirectQueryKey("bankaccount", "BANKACCOUNT");

But how am I supposed to use my NamedQuery with the ExpressionBuilder like in the example then? Like the following code snippet or would I have to modify the NamedQuery and do something like .addBatchReadAttribute(batchReadRoles) and also .addBatchReadAttribute(batchReadBankAccount)?

Query q = em.createNamedQuery("getAllPartnersWithAdressesAndRoles");
ExpressionBuilder eb = q.getExpressionBuilder();
Expression batchReadBankAccount = eb.get("bankaccount");
// Wrap in JPA Query
Query query = JpaHelper.createQuery(q, em);
// Execute Query
List<A> results = query.getResultList();

Thanks for your help!!!

Tom Ware schrieb:
First of all, I'd like to reiterate that this is a fairly uncommon thing to do and that I am surprised that your performance-measuring app is doing something that uncommon.

I am not sure how the code below works in the case where "role" is not and Employee. You'll get a ClassCastException from java regardless of the persistence provider. Are all your roles Employees?

>>>   for (Partner partner : l) {
>>>     for (Role role : partner.getRoles()) {
>>>       // results in l.size() SELECTs
>>>       BankAccount ba = ((Employee) role).getBankAccount();
>>>     }
>>>   }

In EclipseLink, there is the option of setting the mapping itself to batch read, so one way you could make it work for this scenario is by using a DescriptorCustomizer to make the Employee.roles mapping always use batch reading. It would be a matter of getting the query for that mapping and enabling batch reading on it.


Mario Sandro Schwarz wrote:
Hello Tom,

unfortunately the problem is that not the role has the "bankaccount". Just the specific role "employee" does. I remember you replying to my last post telling me that there is a an open enhancement request for this kind of thing (Downcasting in queries). Thanks a lot for the try to help though.

Anyone got any other suggestions that might help?


Tom Ware schrieb:
EclipseLink allows multi-level fetch joins and batch reading. Have you tried any of these?

(something like @QueryHint(name = QueryHints.LEFT_FETCH, value = "p.roles.bankAccount") (something like @QueryHint(name=QueryHints.BATCH, value="p.roles.bankAccount");

Mario Schwarz wrote:
Hi everybody.

I have to do a run time comparison on Eclipselink and Hibernate for my Bachelor Thesis. I really have an urgent problem, I don't get BatchReading to work correctly.

I implemented use-case based test cases that call specific methods of a SessionBean called "PartnerService". PartnerService acts as a Facade and manages the transactions (@TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED). It calls methods on a DAO called "PartnerDAO". PartnerDAO requires an open transaction (@TransactionAttributeType.MANDATORY)

I have the following NamedQuery which retrieves me all partners with their addresses and their roles:

@NamedQuery(name = "getAllPartnersWithAdressesAndRoles", query = "SELECT p FROM Partner as p ", hints = {
@QueryHint(name = QueryHints.LEFT_FETCH, value = "p.roles"),
@QueryHint(name = QueryHints.LEFT_FETCH, value = "p.addresses"),
@QueryHint(name = QueryHints.JDBC_FETCH_SIZE, value = "1000") })

Now I also want to retrieve the bank account of the specific role "employee" which is a unidirectional onetoone-relation. In the PartnerDAO-method I do the following:

public List<Partner> findAllPartners() {
  Query q = em.createNamedQuery("getAllPartnersWithAdressesAndRoles");
  // results in just 1 SELECTs
  List<Partner> l = q.getResultList();
  for (Partner partner : l) {
    for (Role role : partner.getRoles()) {
      // results in l.size() SELECTs
      BankAccount ba = ((Employee) role).getBankAccount();

My goal is to iterate over all roles and retrieve all BankAccounts in a single SELECT. I guess the problem is, that BankAccount has no ForeignKey of its Employee. With Hibernate it works though. Oh, by the way, I am not able to change the mapping to bidirectional anymore!

Any help is more than appeciated!
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