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[eclipse-dev] Committer Election for Karsten Thoms on PDE - Plugin Development Environment has started

A committer election for Karsten Thoms on project PDE - Plugin Development
Environment (eclipse.pde) was started by Alexander Kurtakov with this

Karsten expressed interest in becoming PDE committer and has a nice list of
contributions already. His request was based on "fast track" rule but I think
there is no need for that as he deserved it already! List of contributions is

Bug 533432 - Added BUNDLE_FELIX_SCR for autostart of scr
Bug 522230 - Automated Management of Dependencies: Up does not preserve
Bug 525785 Update on selection and focus gain
Bug 519991 - [refactoring] Iterate over entrySet instead of keySet
Bug 527214 - ITargetDefinition#getTargetLocations null result safety
Bug 527249 - Remove references to update.core
Bug 527379 - Remove references to org.eclipse.update.configurator
Bug 527214 - ITargetDefinition#getTargetLocations null result safety
Bug 522332 - Add Required Plug-ins: resolve unsatisfied constraints
Bug 529731 - Increased lower bound on org.eclipse.debug.ui
Bug 528180 - Refactor inefficient use of keySet
Bug 522332 - Add Required Plug-ins: resolve unsatisfied constraints
Bug 530406 - Add extension contributor name to requiredIds
[529849] API filter for AbstractPDELaunchConfigurationTabGroup extension
Bug 527016 - [performance] Set callOnEmptyDelta option for builders
Bug 531632 - Replace usage of System.getProperty("file.separator")
Bug 532124 - Replace non-standard encoding name
Bug 532072 - Replace usage of String#replaceAll by #replace
Bug 532270 - QuickOutlinePopupDialog: Resolve usage of deprecated constructor
and method
Bug 533432 - Configure auto-start of bundle org.apache.felix.scr
Bug 535554 - Update bundles in getBundlesWithStartLevels

PDE - Plugin Development Environment project committers can click the
election link below to vote.



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