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Re: [eclipse-dev] Eclipse & CVS Branch/Tag question

The short answer to your question is to use Configure Branches and Versions available from the context menu of the project in the CVS Repositories View. This will allow you to make tags visible in the CVS Repositories View. This feature is descibed in more detail in the Eclipse documentation.

If you have further questions on this subject or any other subject, Please post the to eclipse-platform newsgroup.

Michael Valenta

Riaan Oberholzer <riaanoberholzer@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: eclipse-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

01/07/2003 04:27 AM
Please respond to eclipse-dev

        To:        eclipse-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject:        [eclipse-dev] Eclipse & CVS Branch/Tag question


Question: I'm trying to get Eclipse to check out a
specific tag/branch of a project without success
(Working with the 2.1 Windows release of Eclipse).

We set TAG as PROJECT-1-0_BRANCH on the project, in
CVS. Using WinCVS, I can check this out as a seperate
group of files. If the branch was set on version 1.3
of a file, checking it back in then makes it version Changing the main files in the HEAD branch
goes on to version 1.4, which is what we want.

BUT, I cannot get Eclipse to do the same. Looking
under Branches or Versions in the CVS view displays
empty listings. There is also no setting (which I can
see) to explicitly specify the tagged project I want
to checkout. How do I do this? I can see (per file)
when and on which version the tag was set, but cannot
check it out into a new project.

The desired end result is a setup where I have two
Eclipse projects:

PROJECT-CURRENT (working on the latest, eg 1.x)
PROJECT-1.0     (working on 1.3.x.x, or whatever)

Is it possible? I now have to do the updates manually
via WinCVS....


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