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Re: [ecf-dev] Java8 support

On 4/1/2014 10:40 AM, Wim Jongman wrote:
@Markus Would this be a nice one to start a Tycho build?
@Scott: I wonder if this can't be done by using a feature patch or fragments thereby overriding the existing classes instead of hard coding java8 in the names. I guess you made your contemplations. Can you share your reasons to do it like this?

Well, the main reason was expediency...and possibly a lack of imagination on my part :).

WRT fragments...given that this is API we are talking about (i.e. the service API and the provider API), I could not figure out how to do it with fragments...without using the Equinox-specific manifest header:  'Eclipse-ExtensibleAPI: true'.  I frankly wanted to avoid using this header, because it would be great if all of this can/could/would/will run on all OSGi frameworks (Equinox, Felix/Karaf, Concierge).

WRT feature patches...I don't know how that would work...but maybe that's because of my lack of imagination.   As an aside...I did put together a feature patch for Kepler (ECF core + filetransfer) so that Kepler users can use ECF 3.8.1/Luna without any problems conflicting with old versions of ECF core/filetransfer.

So...I'm open to other alternatives than new/separate '.java8' providers...let's discuss here.

To be clear...wrt the distribution provider support, there is now just one method in one class that has to be overridden to enable the completeablefuture/java8 support *all existing distribution providers*.  That's this method:

org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservice.AbstractRemoteService.callFuture(IRemoteCall, Class)

For the generic java8 provider, here's the implementation [1].   If you look at the callFuture method, you will see that it *only* references java8's CF class and protected superclass (AbstractRemoteService) methods...which means it could be simply moved up to AbstractRemoteService itself...if org.eclipse.ecf.remoteservice could support java8.   The good news is that it's only this callFuture method that has to be enhanced...nothing else.

But moving this code into AbstractRemoteService is very tricky...because nearly everything having to do with OSGi remote services depends upon o.e.e.remoteservice...e.g. the OSGi remote services code as well as all providers...since it's an API bridging OSGi RS and ECF providers.

It was my first inclination to implement AbstractRemoteService.callFuture as [1] does...but as per do this would quickly mean that none of ECF's RS impl nor providers would run on < Java8.

I would love to find a better allow Java8 users to use *any* RS least any that extends AbstractRemoteService...with no please help figure this out.

Here's a thought I just had:  AbstractRemoteService currently extends Object.   What if we added (in 3.8.1 and/or Juno) a superclass for AbstractRemoteService...e.g. call it a new bundle.   The <= java7 version of this abstract superclass would implement *only* callFuture...with no references to Java8 CF.   The java8 version, however, would implement callFuture with the CF code as [1] does.  I think this could would retain backward compatibility...because adding a superclass is one of the few binary compatible changes to API that can be made.   And for the two versions of this new bundle (<= j8 and j8+)...only one of them would/could resolve at runtime...based upon which version of java is being used.  This may be it.  Let me know what you think.

No matter what we do though...we will need to figure out a way to compile, build and test everything...i.e. the j8 bits and everything a way that will allow java7 consumers of RS to continue to install and run appropriately.






On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 8:32 PM, Scott Lewis <slewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Folks,

As some of you probably know, I've been working on Java8 support in ECF's implementation of OSGi remote services (see description below and on blog post).  As of now, all of this work has been generalized and pushed to ECF's git repo...i.e. see the git links below.

Over the next few weeks, I'm going to write a tutorial on the use of CompletableFuture via ECF's asynchronous proxies...and put it in the wiki.

But...if we are going to build and deploy the java8 generic (and other) providers...along with the timeservice consumer and host examples...we will need to figure out how to build and deploy these 3 new bundles...since they depend upon java8...just to compile. Could Wim and/or Markus please comment on what's needed on our Jenkins instance to support this?   ...and any additions we need should make (e.g. new features?).



5) Use of Java8 for asynchronous remote services.   As many of you know, java8 has some new features that are very interesting/useful from a remote services perspective...see [5] for example.  I intend to get this work into well as a new wiki-based tutorial demonstrating via our example async time service code described in the blog...which is now checked in, BTW [5a]).   This is really exciting, IMHO, because it's right at the intersection between remote services...which have a strong need for asynchronous/non-blocking semantics...the java8 async/concurrency/functional programming features...and ECF's ability to easily and efficiently support async proxies...through our provider architecture, underlying event-driven structure, and existing support for async proxies [5b].

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