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[ease-dev] Using createDialog with Python


First thanks for the great work you are doing with EASE.

I'm trying to use the createDialog() method from the UI Builder module
with Python. I'm not sure what should be the first parameter. I tried
to pass a Python method but it doesn't seem to work. I also wonder how
I can get the data back once the dialog is validated ?

Does someone have a working example ?

So far my script look like this:

loadModule('/System/UI Builder')

def dialogContent():
    createLabel("Name:", "1/1 >x");
    txtName = createText("2-4/1 o!");
    createLabel("Description:", "1/2 >x");
    txtDescription = createText("2-4/2 o!");

dialog = createDialog(dialogContent, "Component", "Enter Component


I get the following error:

AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute '_get_object_id'

So I guess I should somehow pass a Java Object to createDialog() ?

Yvan Lussaud.

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