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Re: [ease-dev] numpy in EASE

I get the same error when trying to execute help(„modules“) in a classic python shell. So at least on my setup this error does not seem to be related to EASE or Py4J.
I am using:
anaconda 4.2.0 (64 bit)
python 3.5.2

Numpy 1.11.1




From: ease-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <ease-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of LOPEZ BETANCUR David
Sent: Montag, 25. Juni 2018 13:50
To: ease developer discussions <ease-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [ease-dev] numpy in EASE


Hello Christian,


Thanks for your reply.


Previously we had the 2.7 version running on windows 10, jdk 9.0, but we updated to python 3.6.5, ran the ```help(“modules”)``` command and it returned with the expected list of modules. We proceeded to install *numpy* via _pip install_. Then we re-ran help(“modules”) and it hang as before. We uninstalled numpy, ran help(“modules”), and it gave us the list again. So it seems there’s something blocking with at least one package installed along with numpy.


We also trying just importing numpy in our script and it got stuck. Our script only has these 3 lines:


print("Importing numpy...")

import numpy as np

print("numpy imported.")


We switched to the Anaconda python distribution and configured py4j to use it, ran the script and it can indeed import numpy, yet the help(“modules”) still hangs.


Do you have any idea of why the standard distribution (at least in windows) of python isn’t working with EASE and numpy?








De : ease-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <ease-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> De la part de Christian Pontesegger
Envoyé : mercredi 20 juin 2018 17:00
À : ease-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Objet : Re: [ease-dev] numpy in EASE


Hi David,

tried both commands on my linux system without any problems using EASE-nightly.

On windows we encountered some problems depending on the installed python version with some other commands. My local python version is 3.5.5
Which version are you using?



On 19.06.2018 16:01, LOPEZ BETANCUR David wrote:

Hello EASE-devs,


We are trying to use numpy with py4j, but our script is hanging at the line ```import numpy as np```.


Furthermore, when we run ```help("modules")``` it also hangs. Tracking the source of the problem, we found it's getting stuck in the *py4j.ClientServerConnection.readBlockingResponse* call. We are not sure why is this happening.


Has anybody ran ```help("modules")``` within EASE ?






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