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Re: [ease-dev] 0.5.0

> As far as it cannot be ready before ECF, there is no urgency for me :)
Nevertheless, I plan to describe what is planned in the upcoming 0.5.0
release, so it would be great if you can tell me what is planned to be
released. Today I have the following -major- points in mind:

No chance to get the release done before ECF, the review and release process
takes too long for that.

>EASE 0.5:
>Migration of UI to e4

Blocked as the e4 is missing some required features (eg. Volatile UI changes
that do not get persisted)

>cron jobs
Commit is 80% ready, active work on that topic.

>Better « magic keywords » (e.g. enable when / visible when) CDT integration
We do have some prototype in place, not thoroughly tested so far. Needs
cleanup & testing which I currently do not have time for.

>Python integration:
>Better Py4j integration (content assist, debug support, Pydev Pythonpath)
Actively pushed, part of nightly builds. Needs testing which will happen
over the summer season. Martin is here in the lead.

Over the summer period I plan to rework the Script Unit Test framework to
allow for other interpreters than Rhino and support major feature from other
unit test frameworks.
Planned to be ready for ECE.

Further plans include to provide script location parsers for Github, gerrit
(@eclipse), SVN. This work would be done by Oza.


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