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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Can DTP join EGit in Oxygen.2 respin?

Thanks. I see two +1 from the Planning Council and no other comments, so we are proceeding. Nick and I just contributed DTP 1.14.1 to simrel master and Oxygen_update. If Oxygen.2 respin will be done from a different branch, please make sure to use the dtp definition from Oxygen_update.




- Konstantin



From: Wayne Beaton
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2017 1:16 PM
To: Cross project issues
Subject: Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Can DTP join EGit in Oxygen.2 respin?


Will do.



On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 4:05 PM, Konstantin Komissarchik <konstantin.komissarchik@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Could someone forward this to the Planning Council, please?


I am currently working with Nick Boldt to transition DTP releng responsibility. In the meantime, the version of DTP in Oxygen.2 has compatibility issues. It was last build with Oxygen.0.M4 and platform made an API change after that which broke some of the DTP functionality. The 1.14.1 release that contains the fix is ready to go. Since EGit has initiated a respin, would it be possible for DTP to join. The change is low risk. Basically changing package names for a class that now must be found in a different plugin and corresponding version updates.




- Konstantin

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Wayne Beaton

Director of Open Source Projects

The Eclipse Foundation


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