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[cross-project-issues-dev] Galileo p2 repository broken ?

Since Dec 8 the egit build against galileo is broken [1],[2] due to problems 
downloading some bundles from

The artifacts the egit build can't download from
anymore are:
<iu id="org.easymock" version="2.4.0.v20090202-0900" />
<iu id="org.apache.log4j" version="1.2.13.v200903072027"/>
<iu id="org.eclipse.net4j.jms.api" version="1.0.0.v200906160348"/>
We analyzed the problem using the p2mirror ant task and found that
it also fails to download the artifacts the egit build complains about.
The p2mirror script says it successfully downloaded the artifacts, but in
fact that's not the case so somehow p2 silently fails. When running the
script with verbose log the resulting log seems not to contain error or warning

We created bug 332342 [3] to track the problem. 

It seems Community / Hudson isn't the right place to find p2 experts 
who can analyze the problem in more detail. 

Could some p2 expert please look into that ?
What's the right home in Bugzilla for this problem ?


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