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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Problem/Question about Update...

You may just be ahead of your time. ;)

The Helios milestone sites are from M5 (February 5) so it kind of makes since they might not be compatible with a 2/8 P2.

As for "smallest update-able unit" ... I think that depends on what you have "installed" (literally). For example, if you only unzipped the Java EE IDE package, then there is only one thing to update, the Java EE IDE Feature!

I've always assumed if you used P2 to install other things after that, such as later versions of Eclipse, or "cool feature 1.0" then updates would still work for those installed features ... but ... I admit I've not really tried that. And, I suspect, that would be prone to "conflicts" if, say, the Java EE IDE (indirectly) needed one version range of something but those other features required some non-overlapping version range.


From: Eric Gwin <eric.gwin@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 03/08/2010 02:55 PM
Subject: Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Problem/Question about Update...
Sent by: cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks David,

I verified that that site was enabled. It is. The latest Java EE package
I see is  installed  (20100202-1349).  I need  one  that includes P2
from  after  20100208.

I guess my "problems" are mostly a conceptual ones: what is the smallest
"update-able" unit? Should it be the package? or should I be able to
update at a feature level? Or does this depend upon whether the
"feature" is integral to the framework (as p2 is)?

I'm also concerned with what appears to be issues with p2's dependency
analysis. I'd think that it should have the information it needs to
resolve some of these dependencies. ie. if
org.eclipse.widget_2.1.0.20100101 is part of, and depends upon it, then you'd think that
when updating cool.control it would know that if you also need to update
"widget" to get it from cool.feature rather than simply reporting a
dependency error. Unless I'm misreading the messages (as you said), and
the issue is that I'm updating cool.control (and need the newer widget),
but am not specifying an update to scalable.frame which also depends
upon widget, so I still require the old dependency as well.
   However, even in the later case it seems like the issue is a bug.
Either the dependencies are defined in a way that they are too
restrictive, or components are not being engineered with compatibility  
in mind. I don't know which is the case, or even if either is.
  Also as a user I certainly don't know that widget is part of
cool.feature. So reporting an unresolved dependency upon widget isn't
very useful to me.
  I'm kind-of assuming that these are all issues resulting from
mid-development of all the components, they are known and will be fixed
down the road (This will be my first full cycle with a simultaneous
release, so I still consider myself a newbie). That is most of the
reason I posted. I wanted to see if I was off base, and missing some
piece of the puzzle.

Thanks again.


David M Williams wrote:
> I'm not sure what your specific problem is (because I can never
> understand those P2 error message chains :)
> But I do know that to get the Java EE Package to correctly update, it
> is often required to have the "packages repository" enabled in your
> available software sites list. Namely,
> If it turns out this helps you, you might comment in bug 303273
> From:                  Eric Gwin <eric.gwin@xxxxxxxxxx>
> To:                  P2 developer discussions <p2-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Cross project
> issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date:                  03/08/2010 10:14 AM
> Subject:                  [cross-project-issues-dev] Problem/Question about Update...
> Sent by:                  cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi,
> I'm trying to update to a newer p2 in my M5 updated, Helios M4 JEE
> install by pointing to an unzipped equinoxSDK build in "Install New
> Software". The updater recognizes that bundles are previously installed,
> and will update them instead. However, it says it cannot proceed because
> there are dependency conflicts.
> As I add features to try and remove conflicts, I get others. Until  I am
> requesting  to  install the entire Equinox SDK over JEE M5, at which
> point it appears that I cannot proceed because the JEE package depends
> upon a version of eclipse.equinox.preferences.mechanism which is trying
> to be replaced by equinox. I'm including a jpg of the dialog.
> I am obviously doing something wrong, since I was asked to update p2 to
> a later build, but cannot do so. It appears I can only update the jee
> package without error, but jee does not yet contain the version of p2
> that I need.
> What am I missing? is there a specific p2 site (for p2, or the JEE
> package) I need?
> Thanks.
> --
> -Eric
> Oracle < <>>
> Eric Gwin | Senior Software Developer
> Phone: +613 288 4622 <tel:+613%20288%204622> | | Fax: +613 2382818
> <fax:+613%202382818> | | Mobile: +613 8582347 <tel:+613%208582347>
> Oracle Java Server Technologies
> ORACLE Canada | 45 O'Connor St., Ottawa, Ontario | K1P 6L2
> Green Oracle <> Oracle is committed to
> developing practices and products that help protect the environment
> [attachment "UpdateProblem.jpg" deleted by David M
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Oracle <>
Eric Gwin | Senior Software Developer
Phone: +613 288 4622 <tel:+613%20288%204622> | | Fax: +613 2382818
<fax:+613%202382818> | | Mobile: +613 8582347 <tel:+613%208582347>
Oracle Java Server Technologies
ORACLE Canada | 45 O'Connor St., Ottawa, Ontario | K1P 6L2
Green Oracle <> Oracle is committed to
developing practices and products that help protect the environment

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