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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Status and outook for M4

> It's a pity to lose EMF Tools and so Diagrams just because the team
> is unresponsive.

Responsive. I am not sure I use that word enough in our requirements document,
but that is the essence of many of them. It was much discussed by the
Planning Council that Responsiveness and Responsibility were the
intangible keys to successful participation in a Simultaneous Release.
I do not know much about this project, but yes, it does seem unfortunate
if such a minor fix was all that was required.  

> Can someone just correct the org.eclipse.emf.ecoretools-feature
> \feature.xml for them?

Any committer can make changes.
Anyone else can provide patches to them.
At any time.
But a committer has to apply them.
My guess is they'd still appreciate a patch attached to a bugzilla.

And remember a project is not dead just because its not part of the Simultaneous Release!

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