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Re: Hudson restart requested to install new plugins (was Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] [galileo] FYI - Updated build with STP bits)

Just a FYI, the bugzilla plugin requires XMLRPC to be configured on the bugzilla server.

I don't think this is currently enabled  on


Nick Boldt <nickboldt@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

02/12/2009 12:16 AM

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Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Hudson restart requested to install new plugins (was Re:        [cross-project-issues-dev]        [galileo] FYI - Updated build with STP bits)

Woo! Thanks for posting that this is possible. Last I heard the Hudson
setup was only for Galileo, but not I see that's not the case.

I've managed to get GEF to build there using the Athena CBI builder.

I've also installed a bunch of plugins and upped the number of available
executors from 2 to 4 (it's a 4-CPU server, right?).

Some useful plugins include:

* Audit Trail, Disk Usage (to track who's doing what)
* Bugzilla (hopefully to integrate CVS changes w/ related bug numbers)
* Build-timeout (to kill long-running / stuck builds)
* CVS Tagging (for use with Modeling builds
* Description Setter, Text-finder (to label build status)
* SCP, Promoted Builds, Release (to control how builds are published)
* XVnc (for running headless UI tests)
* Jabber, IRC, Twitter (notifications)
* Emma (code coverage)
* SSH Slaves (to control slaves via SSH, eg., to perhaps use vservers as
 slaves as usage grows)


when is a good time to restart Hudson so that we can start using these
wonderful new plugins?

> As you will see when you get to the Hudson page, I've
> been doing some experiments to hook in automated
> STP builds there - it's turning out to be very civilized
> to deal with so far (and saves all that ssh'ing about).

Nick Boldt ::
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash CBI
cross-project-issues-dev mailing list

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