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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Notes from a Heretic: Why do we have the Ganymede update site?

Title: Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Notes from a Heretic: Why do we have the Ganymede update site?
I’d argue the packages are only consistently built (or were made possible in the first place) because we have the update site; or rather, because we all publish our builds to this common site and not simply check off a column on some wiki.  There’s more influence coming from this central act than there would be from just the EPP or the individual package owners.  The update site is Eclipse, while packages are mostly silos of functionality aligned with top-level projects.

So you want to do away with the one “real” manifestation of the Planning Council? ;-)

- Rich

On 4/28/08 7:39 PM, "Bjorn Freeman-Benson" <bjorn.freeman-benson@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Ganymede Project Leads,
Let me open a can of worms and publicly ask why we have the Ganymede Update Site.
It seems to me that:
  • For users, we have the Ganymede packages (
    • If we have packages, why have a separate update site?  The packages have all the update sites built in (via the feature.xmls).
    • And if someone wants to add new functionality to their existing Eclipse, they will go to the project specific update site and get the latest bits.

  • For adopters, we have the project downloads and update sites - why should we have a second update site for these?
    • In fact, having a second update site just makes things more complicated because then "where do I get future updates? do I get them from the central update site or from the project update site? and why are there so many similar update sites listed in my Eclipse?"
    • More complicated for project teams too, because then they have to maintain different site.xmls, feature.xmls, etc.
    The original reason for the unified update site was because it was confusing for users to have to go here and go there and go the other place to put together a package. But now that we have packages, why do we need the unified update site? It seems to be extra hassle and complexity for everyone at no net benefit to anyone.

    Comments? Opinions?
    - Bjorn

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