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RE: [cross-project-issues-dev] There will be no more Ganymatic buildsscheduled

Hi Dave,
thanks for this excellent improvement!
There is one question I have: I think that in the past, several builds have failed
because somebody made a change to his update site and/or committed a
changed .sc file while a build was currently ongoing. This raises following questions:
1. Is this still an issue? [I assume yes]
2. How long does a ganymatic build - or, more specifically, the "critical phase"
    of it where it's copying prerequisites) take? Cruisecontrol says just 8 minutes,
    so I'm wondering if we could just automatically run it again if a failure occurred,
    assuming that the failure was due to an update site change going on?
3. When .sc files change in the middle of a build, I assume it would rebuild
   again on the next hour?
Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

From: cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of David M Williams
Sent: Freitag, 22. Februar 2008 10:12
To: cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [cross-project-issues-dev] There will be no more Ganymatic buildsscheduled

That's an eye catching subject line, eh?
But, it's only a play on words.

What I mean is that I have incorporated Bjorn's Ganymatic build script using Cruisecontrol and the "site contribution" files so that builds
are started when ever a change is checked in. So, there's no need to have the builds scheduled every night.
It might run 5 times a day, it might not run for 3 weeks ... it all depends on when changes are committed to head,
in the CVS org.eclipse.ganymede.sitecontributions module. Many of you probably noticed this already, but
thought I'd write this note, just so you'd know what was happening.

The "final word" on builds success/failure is still the tables at

But there is another URL that may be handy at times (which is linked from that main page).
The Cruise Control server used will be the same one that which Orbit uses, so if you look at
you'll see the Ganymatic project listed there along with Orbit projects.
One way this will be handy is for those times when the build seemed to fail for some random
unexplainable reason. You can press the "force build" button on that dashboard to just have it
build again. (I'll leave this on, as long as there's no abuse, or constant presses of the button).
The timer is currently set to 1 hour, which means it check's every hour if there are any changes.
So, after you commit something, a build might start in 5 minutes (if it is near the end of that hour) or might
not build for 55 minutes, if the hour cycle has just started. And, in some cases, if there's an Orbit build
already running, it will have to wait for that to finish, but those don't take long ... 30 or 45  minutes, I think.

Most of you will never need to know any of that, just know that after you commit something, you should
check back in a few hours to see how it did ... you no longer have to wait till the next day to find it its ok
or not.

Let us know how you like it  I've know some people just love routine and predictability so much, that
that'd prefer to be told when they had to commit code because then there's a hard stop ... otherwise,
some of them might be tempted to work all night long! But, don't do that! Set your own deadlines
whenever you'd like, if you work better with deadlines.

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