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Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Logging facility

I would guess Orbit is the best place to host log4j, and Equinox already has a bundle that implements the OSGi logging service.  I haven't looked into the details, but it seems with these two bundles available you would just have to write a small piece of wiring to convert between log4j events and OSGi log events.  Ideally your application code would just use the OSGi logging service without having any knowledge that log4j is doing the actual logging under the covers.


Thomas Hallgren <thomas@xxxxxxx>
Sent by: cross-project-issues-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

24/10/2006 11:26 AM

Please respond to
Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Cross project issues <cross-project-issues-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[cross-project-issues-dev] Logging facility

In Buckminster, we use log4j in a (sort of) brute-force manner. I say
brute-force because we don't go through any OSGi service. The Corona
project seems to have a more elaborated approach (see:
I'd like Buckminster to do something similar but I don't want to
introduce a dependency to the Corona project as such.

Let's assume that several projects would like to use log4j through OSGi,
just like Corona does, what would be the best approach to make that
happen? Would it be to convince someone to include it in the core
platform, or should a new technology project be started that was
concentrating on logging only?

Kind Regards,
Thomas Hallgren

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