Re: [cross-project-issues-dev] Making your project more openĊ howto enable Gerrit
Wayne Beaton <>
10/04/2013 12:32 PM

In my defense, the push to Git had two major motivators:

1) CVS is no longer supported and has--as I understand it--several major open bugs that aren't being addressed
2) With the introduction of Git, something had to go; Webmaster does not have infinite resources.

The push to Git had very real practical and pragmatic motivation.

Further, CVS was deprecated for a full two years before we started compelling projects to move. With that precedent established, you have until at least 2015 to accept Gerrit :-)

On a serious note, Eclipse projects are required to make reasonable effort to encourage and accept contributions. Gerrit is one tool that makes that easier.


On 10/04/2013 10:30 AM, Mickael Istria wrote:
On 10/04/2013 04:22 PM, Doug Schaefer wrote:
I almost wonder if we should just enable Gerrit for all projects. That's what we do internally here for all git repos that feed into product. It's great for all the reasons you mention Ed.
I can already imagine the various posts from Wayne on blogs/Twitter/mailing-list: "Move to Gerrit by the end of 2013, or get your project archived".
And then: "Disable direct push to Git repo and get every change on Gerrit by the end of Spring, or get your project archived".
And then: "Get Hudson CI posting feedback on Git reviews, or get your project archived".
Benevolent dictatorship at work ;)
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects, The Eclipse Foundation
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