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Re: [cdt-dev] cmake support how to integrate the compile_commands.json parser into CDT

Hi Martin,

We briefly touched this topic at the last CDT call. I suggest to extract the functionally to work with compile_command.json to a separate bundle or bundles and then use it for use cases you enumerated.
The base name may be "org.eclipse.cdt.jsoncdb" (JSON Compilation Database [1]).

I can try to formulate the interface and then we can register CompileCommandsJsonParser as default implementation.



13.06.2020 14:45, 15 knots пишет:
Hi all,

I added some experimental integration in gerrit mainly for testing so far.

As it turns out there are use cases behind just index support for the parser.
So please comment on how to design the methods for the parser to integrate it with CDT. I am appreciating any suggestions.

For now I found the following use cases:
1) Syntax highlighting/C-DOM-parser: For a given IFile, return the set of defines, include path to the DOM.
2) LSP. For a given IFile, return the path to the compiler executable and the set of command-line args that affect LSP (e.g. -m32, --sysroot). (This use-case is just a rough guess of mine).
3) End users often ask: Is compiler-option '-std=c17' (or similar) recognized and used for built-in detection? To aid users, these should be a way to provide a report on the options and detected include path and macros. (Otherwise we might get lots of questions).

Concerning the end-user question, this is currently implemented by printing the command-line and output of built-in detection to a console. This was inspired by managed built but turns out to be wayy too complicated for users. They will have to enable the 'allocate console' option, force a new build ro be run and finally have to find the console. It could be much simpler if users can just click a 'show report' button and have a dialog/view opened.


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