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[cdt-dev] Dropping 32-bit support and building against latest platform


You might have noticed that CDT doesn’t build against the latest platform (4.11) when built from Maven/Tycho, it gives an error like:
"The type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files”

It is actually caused by unsupported target environments configuration which causes SWT to not be found. Eclipse Platform 4.10 removed support for 32-bit environments but CDT still builds against them by using Platform 4.8. The downside to this is that tests are not being ran against 4.11 and the stand-alone debugger is still based on Platform 4.8. Those are not show-stoppers but not ideal for future releases.

So, I suggest removing 32-bit support for the next CDT version, coinciding with Eclipse 2019-06.

Unless there is any objection, I will prepare a commit for the master branch to remove relevant plugins, remove the target environments in the config and update the target platform to 4.11.


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