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Re: [cdt-dev] CDT 10.0?

BTW, Felix raised a bug about the C/C++ Projects View. That’s another candidate for removal for CDT 10. Everyone should be using the common navigator based Project Explorer.


From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Doug Schaefer
Sent: Monday, November 6, 2017 11:54 AM
To: CDT General developers list. <cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] CDT 10.0?


[Doug] below.


From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of William Riley
Sent: Monday, November 6, 2017 11:43 AM
To: CDT General developers list. <cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] CDT 10.0?




Renesas are definitely interested in bringing a managed build style UI to Core Build, along with a simplified managed build system itself (we have quite a few issues with the current system!).


When you say “The old wizards are still accessible from there but would be hidden otherwise” I assume you mean the Managed Build entries in the C/C++ wizard would be remaining but they wouldn’t be listed as separate wizards anywhere else in the UI? If so then this is what have done in our IDE, having the different wizards with similar names was very confusing!


[Doug] Yes, it is 😊. Was thinking of doing it in 9.4, but I don’t have confidence that the entries in the C/C++ Wizard work correctly. There have been bugs raised and fixed on behaviour differences. If people have exercised them enough and are happy that they’re fine, maybe we can do it now. Thoughts?




From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Doug Schaefer
Sent: 03 November 2017 11:47
To: CDT General developers list. <cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] CDT 10.0?


Thanks Jasper!


I think Renesas will also be interested in bringing a managed build UI to Core Build. And QNX will be working on Standard Build. And Intel with Autotools and Docker which should lead to general remote builds.


It's all coming together. Thank you all!


Sent from my BlackBerry - the most secure mobile device - via the Rogers Network

Sent: November 3, 2017 2:46 AM

Subject: Re: [cdt-dev] CDT 10.0?


Btw, I've just opened on the issue of making the build configuration UI available to Core Build projects.​




Jesper Eskilson Development Engineer
IAR Systems AB

From: cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <cdt-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Doug Schaefer <dschaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 7:15 PM
To: CDT General developers list.
Subject: [cdt-dev] CDT 10.0?


Hey gang,


This just crossed my mind and you’re the first to hear about it 😊. I’d like to do a bunch of clean up for Photon where Core Build becomes the main build system. As a result I’d like to clean up a bunch of the UI. A few things have crossed my mind.

  • Remove the new C Project and C++ Project in favour of the new new C/C++ Project wizard that uses the new template engine. The old wizards are still accessible from there but would be hidden otherwise.
  • Decide between the Global build console and the per Project build console. I favour the Global one but we should start that discussion. There really shouldn’t be two.
  • Is there anything we can do so there’s only one Memory view?


And I’d take the opportunity of the major version bump to clean up the mess I’ve made of the Core Build interfaces and parent classes as we solidify the final API.


Happy to hear concerns about that, it is a crazy thought. Or if you like it.





Renesas Electronics Europe Ltd, Dukes Meadow, Millboard Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5FH, UK. Registered in England & Wales under Registered No. 04586709.

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