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[cdt-dev] How to set option.setDefaultValue for a project specific


I set default value of option via,

IManagedBuildInfo info = ManagedBuildManager.getBuildInfo(project);
IConfiguration defCfg = info.getDefaultConfiguration(); // This line maybe the cause of my misunderstanding
IToolChain toolChain = defCfg.getToolChain();
IOption option;

then ...

ITool[] tools = toolChain.getToolsBySuperClassId(linkerId);

in while loop I traverse the tools and then ...

option = tools[ind].getOptionBySuperClassId(libOptionId);

if(option != null){
 ManagedBuildManager.setOption(defCfg, tools[ind], option, libraries.toArray(new String[libraries.size()] ) );
 option.setDefaultValue ( libraries.toArray(new String[libraries.size()] ) );

ManagedBuildManager.saveBuildInfo( project, true);

We have different project types and I create a project for C++ and for Embedded C++

But When I create 2 different projects with different language Type, I get the second created project overrides the first project with its default value when I press the default values. In both project, under the settings I have the same Configuration. So thats why it overrides the previous projects Library. How can I have a project specific option, not a Configuration specific...

Thanks for helping, any idea is welcome.

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