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Re: [cdt-dev] Need help with plug-in development

           The programming language I use is not C but an object-oriented extension of C. What I need to do is, for example, read the contents of a .c file line by line and produce stats/views after processing them in a particular way. There are some peculiarities with this language and I need to come up with such a feature to make debugging easier. I am not looking to parse my code in 'compilation' sense.


On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 4:58 PM, Jonah Graham <jonah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Arun,

If you are extending CDT you are probably interested in reusing the CDT's AST rather than parsing it yourself? If so, you may want to start with the overview presentation


Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders Ltd.

On 12 October 2016 at 04:08, Arun Athrey Chandrasekaran <achandr8@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,
          I am working on a plug-in for eclipse CDT for which I need to access the code in each and every file of my project and present a new view as my plug-in output. Could you tell me which extension points to use for this?

My plug-in would be a new action icon in the toolbar that when clicked has to read the entire source code (.c and .h files), parse it and produce a view showing some specific stats related to my proect.

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