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Re: [cdt-dev] Antwort: CMake support in Eclipse CDT

> Von: Alexander Neundorf <neundorf@xxxxxxx>
> An: cdt-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Kopie: Martin.Runge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Datum: 2015-10-07 21:07
> Betreff: Re: [cdt-dev] Antwort: CMake support in Eclipse CDT
> On Tuesday, October 06, 2015 18:04:41 Martin.Runge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > Hi Alex,
> >
> > I adopted
> >
> > and expanded it silently to full cmake support, not just scanner
> > discovery. The current state of the implementation is hosted here:
> >
> >
> > I agree with what you said about the "one thing causing lot of issues".
> Is there a chance this could be "fixed" ?
> I know CDT is a separate subproject of Eclipse, but I have no idea how strong
> the separation/the ties are.

I am not sure, afaik this comes from Eclipse itself or even Java: everything that belongs to a project must be located in subdirectories of the project root. And this make sense to me as it is a simple rule that all tools can easily follow to do something with a project.
Although this simple rule has been weakened a little by linked ressources/virtual folders, the project root still is a folder marked by a hidden file (confuses VisualStudio users here).

I also ran into this issue. It is possible to arrange everything in the project explorer with virtual folder, but me and my collegues fond it very confusing to have all this additional information presented in that treeview where you expect just your own work.

Maybe someone else can give a better answer to this.

> > My approach is like this:
> > - .project and .cproject stay at the projects root and can be checked in
> > (new project type: CMake project)
> if I understand correctly, the directory layout is something like this:
> yproject/
> myproject/.project
> myproject/.cproject
> myproject/src/
> myproject/build-debug/
> myproject/build-release/
> myproject/build-whatever/
> In which directory is the top-level CMakeLists.txt located ?


next to .project and .cproject and all three can be shared between users.

the the plugin calls
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug ..   (from within myproject/build-debug)
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release ..   (from within myproject/build-release)
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=raspitc.cmake ..   (from within myproject/build-whatever)

> > -->  as a result, Eclipse's integration of version control systems works
> > like expected
> > - CMake's out of source build is used, one build output subdir per build
> > configuration
> > --> Eclipse will find the build output and can automatically create a
> > launch configuration, for example,
> >      or use its binary parsers, etc... The output stays related to the
> > project.
> > - per build configuration, different cmake invocations are supported
> > --- its is simply possible to send a project through a cross compiler by
> > chaning the build configuration
> > --- I am not sure yet if it is neccessary to have one configuration build
> > with make and the other one with ninja, but what do I know?
> Not quite sure I understand:
> switching between make and ninja in one build tree is not possible, so
> separate build trees are required if somebody wants to have a build with make
> and another one with ninja.
> Or are you just wondering whether supporting ninja is actually necessary in
> Eclipse ?

cmake is called in different build folders per configuration and produces single configuration Makefiles. So actually it is possible to use different generators in different (CDT) build configurations. Changing the generator requires a complete clean (e.g. delete and recreate the build folder).

I don't know myself if this is neccessary or if someone needs it, but by now, I don't see any restrictions that prohibits it. If using different generators in different CDT build configurations, the error parsers must be per configuration, too. The new build model (see should support this. Actually it does not differ much from the case that one build configuration uses a different compile than the other, they might need different error parsers, too.

> > - the cmake plugin will parse the compile_commands.json file
> > --- from that information, it can guess the compiler and set the
> > corresponding error parser
> > --- scanner discovery: include paths, defines
> > --- detect source files outside of the eclipse project that get compiled
> > (cmake set( SRC ../file.cpp) ) and place them into a virtual folder inside
> > the eclipse project
> >
> > so actually, new CDT project nature and then read all the neccessary
> > information out of the compile_commands.json file.
> There is "currently" work going on to extend cmake in that
> direction, i.e. not
> only generated the compile_commands.json file, but much more ("currently"
> because the discussions on the cmake-devel list are a few months ago, but
> Steven is working on it). Maybe that's interesting for you.

Yes, very intresting, indeed. Thank you.I'll hav a look at it.


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