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Re: [cdt-dev] C Editor

On Fri, 13 Sep 2002, Igor S Zamjatin wrote:

> Hi, all!
> I have a question about editor. I wrote my own editor and parser with it. 
> My parser highlights text in the Editor. So I want to use color manager of 
> C Editor. I mean color manager that situated in CEditorPreference Page in 
> Windows->Preferences menu. 
> I found out how to get colors from manager after its changing(using 
> storePreference) but I can't understand how to change text in my Editor 
> after changind color in manager. I even can't understand how it works with 
> C Editor. May be someone will prompt me how to do it. May be someone 
> explain how it works with C Editor.
> And also I don't understand mechanism of creating preview field in color 
> manager. I found out that text for preview is loaded from special file but 
> what happens then... This is my second question.

Igor (or Garra ... what should we call you =;-)

  Your questions unfortunately are more directed at the SWT/JFace newsgroups
than the C Development group ... though I'm very happy to see that you have
been able to integrate and use the same preference components from the 
standard C Editor (Is this LPEX by any chance?).  As far as the preview 
field, you should take a look at the articles on the Eclipse web site 
regarding preference field editors since that is what is being used here
if I remember correctly.

Sorry not to be of more help,
Thomas (toe-mah) Fletcher       QNX Software Systems
thomasf@xxxxxxx                 OS Technology Developer

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