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[cbi-dev] Building two streams out of the same repository

The CBI build is looking to build both 3.8 and 4.2 maintenance streams. As most of you know, 95% of 3.8 and 4.2 are the same, with only a couple of bundles and features changed. However, there are about 10 obsolete bundles we removed in the 4.2 stream that are still present in the 3.8 stream. In our PDE build, this is easy to manage because it is all driven by the features, so we just need to fork the single Git repository containing the features and remove unwanted bundles in the 4.2 stream. However CBI build seems to spread configuration information about what to build into the root of each repository rather than deriving it from features. Is there some way we can manage these two streams without having to fork the repositories. Forking the whole repository just to maintain two pom.xml files adds a lot of maintenance burden for all committers involved.

This bug covers a particular case but there are other removed bundles so I think this affects a few repositories:


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