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Re: [cbi-dev] Double checking if we're building the right stuff (or not)

There is a notable difference between how Tycho and PDE/Build find what
needs to be built. If I understand this correctly, PDE/Build builds all
bundles and features directly and indirectly referenced from a seed
feature.xml. Tycho, on the other hand, builds all projects (or "modules"
as they call it in Maven) referenced from entry point pom.xml file.
Currently the prototype build is set up to build as much as possible, so
it likely builds more bundles and features than actually needed to
produce the SDK.


On 11-12-22 2:45 PM, Paul Webster wrote:
Just as a follow up, the topmost feature that describes what's built and
included in the Eclipse SDK and Equinox SDK repos is defined
is an example of the postSetup, and preProcess targets.


Paul Webster
Hi floor.  Make me a sammich! - GIR

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