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[aspectj-users] Help with at aspect declare error stack overflow


I am getting this weird bug when trying to define an error with @DeclareError on a method. When compiling, the first time i'm getting a stack overflow error from aspectj and the second time everything compiles just fine. We are in LTW. For example, if I do

$ mvn clean
$ mvn jetty:run <---- this will fail and create an ajcore (stack overflow)
$ mvn jetty:run <---- now it works fine

Now, here is the bug I found and how I fixed it... although I don't  understand why it didn't work in the first place.

Here is the NOT-working aspect :

public class OwnershipSecurityAspect {

    @Pointcut("call(public void ca..setOwner(..)) && !within(ca..OwnershipSecurityAspect) && !within(ca..*Test)")
    public void myPcut() {};

    public static final String securityError = "An advice already exists for setting an owner";

So that creates the error, but if i put the PC declaration inside the declareError like so :

public class OwnershipSecurityAspect {

    @DeclareError("call(public void ca..setOwner(..)) && !within(ca..OwnershipSecurityAspect) && !within(ca..*Test)")
    public static final String securityError = "An advice already exists for setting an owner";

Now everything works fine.

However, the first method should work too, it's even the example in the doc :

Also note that the setOwner() method IS called inside this aspect... so I thought it was infinite recursion... but I didn't even change the pointcut definition, so I don't think this is the issue at hand here...

Thanks in advance for the help,

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