Dali JPA Tools

Dali Java Persistence Tools 📢🚨 Bugzilla is no longer the bug tracker of the Dali project. Please use the dedicated issues tracker

Select a component to see open bugs in that component.

Component Default Assignee Default QA Contact
Diagram Editor Project Inbox CLA Petya Sabeva CLA
Bugs and enhancements for the JPA Diagram Editor
Doc dali.doc-inbox CLA
Documentation Errors
Framework dali.framework-inbox CLA Neil Hauge CLA
Enhancement repository for mapping framework
General dali.general-inbox CLA Neil Hauge CLA
Category for bugs that are not specific to a single component or the filer is unsure of proper category.
JAXB dali.general-inbox CLA
For all Object to XML persistence tooling related bugs and enhancements.
JPA dali.general-inbox CLA Neil Hauge CLA
This category covers JPA tooling related bugs and enhancements.
Website dali.website-inbox CLA
For reporting problems with the Dali website at www.eclipse.org/dali/