Sat Jun 1 2024 06:30:51 EDT
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175 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
82174 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- Automated builds for Eclipse-RPM and Eclipse-OProfile 2020-09-04
82177 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- [RPM] Update and publish manual test plans 2020-09-04
82190 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- [RPM] Define code formatting settings for Eclipse-RPM projects 2020-09-04
396004 CDT cdt-othe cdt-build-inbox NEW --- NPE in wizard when creating a new C++ project 2020-09-04
76881 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- OProfile: System Profile view doesn't always update 2020-09-04
76883 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- OProfile: System Profile View does not update after you stop collecting profile data 2020-09-04
76884 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- OProfile: oprofile plugin doesn't display a warning for incorrect kernel setting 2020-09-04
76885 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- OProfile: oprofile doesn't issue a warning to the user on abnormal exit 2020-09-04
76886 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- RPM: Cannot export two SRPMs at the same time 2020-09-04
78893 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- [rpm-plugin] null pointer exception during rpm export 2020-09-04
82178 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- [RPM] Implement rpmbuild context menu actions for spec files 2020-09-04
82179 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- [RPM] Export to a user-defined location 2020-09-04
82180 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- [RPM] Implement text-based spec file editor 2020-09-04
82188 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- [RPM] Integrate patch generation process with Platform compare 2020-09-04
82192 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- [RPM] Automatically add configure script as external builder 2020-09-04
82194 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- [RPM] Automatically invoke CDT builder 2020-09-04
83720 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- OProfile: opxml not marked as executable 2020-09-04
83775 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- OProfile: Fail to pop up error message for opcontrol failure 2020-09-04
87344 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- [OProfile] OProfile feature from CVS says "Unknown error" on start 2020-09-04
97638 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- no spec file created using rpm plugin. 2020-09-04
198817 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- Add "backslashify" function 2020-09-04
258894 CDT cdt-othe CDT-Contrib-Inbox NEW --- Defining files included in project. 2020-09-04
132006 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Support for resource (.rc) files 2020-09-04
349376 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Add node properties to the DOM AST view 2020-09-04
350664 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Build button disabled when an element of an xml document is selected. 2020-09-04
354098 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- fflush(stdout) needed for printf() and scanf() functions 2020-09-04
357081 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- The functionality in CDebuggerTab#getBinary should be in LaunchUtils with other getBinary methods 2020-09-04
361402 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Make CamelCase-aware selection a default for all editors and file dialogs 2020-09-04
363311 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Eclipse Indigo SR1 won't shutdown 2020-09-04
368427 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- CDT Search finds defined macros twice 2020-09-04
370902 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Invalid argument in ifstream / ofstream methods 2020-09-04
373138 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Add a text-selection visualizer example. 2020-09-04
375787 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- No binaries in virtual folder 2020-09-04
377340 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Tests runner] Allow output to console while running tests 2020-09-07
377341 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Tests runner] Add preference to change behavior of Copy action in tests viewer 2020-09-04
378013 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Error Parser] Long error messages do not show up in Problems view 2020-09-04
381038 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- saving in C compare viewer moves the cursor to the end of the file 2020-09-04
384785 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Rectangle stuck on top of eclipse after editing compiler settings. Still stuck after exiting Eclipse 2020-09-04
385333 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Convert org.eclipse.cdt.ui to platform debug option 2020-09-04
385721 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- BDL IES3.8: Malformed executable file properties with Hebrew 2020-09-04
385735 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- BDL IES3.8: Malformed log file path with Hebrew 2020-09-04
388291 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Add support for multiple google test binaries 2020-09-04
391529 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- org.eclipse.cdt.sdk conflict with welcome screen 2020-09-04
395222 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Order of Linker variables in linker command puts -L's and -l's before list of .o's and -o 2020-09-04
396584 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Search function in the IDE reports 'close project' whenreally it is open in the workspace [Eclipse Helio ver. 1.3.2] 2020-09-04
400342 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- CDT launch configurations should be platform neutral 2020-09-04
401608 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Unit Tests Runner: Content is not allowed in prolog. 2020-09-04
404730 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Unzipping CRC error 2020-09-04
406161 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- NPE adding an include directory in LLVM preferences 2020-09-04
406163 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Adding an include directory in LLVM preference adds it to non-LLVM projects 2020-09-04
408781 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [TypeHierarchy View] template specialization "shadows" other template declarations 2020-09-04
413832 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Eclipse doesn't give any information if disk is full on why creating a project fails 2020-09-04
414737 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Includes not resolved correctly 2020-09-04
414818 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- "Launch failed. Binary not found" when first launching 2020-09-04
416944 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Imported project's make targets not visible in Make Target view 2020-09-04
417539 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Visual C++ Support for vs 2012 is not properly handle the Windows SDK include path. 2020-09-04
417852 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- java.utilConcurrentModificationException in LanguageVerifier 2020-09-04
418536 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Improve support for Qt 2020-09-04
421885 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- include settings being ignored 2020-09-04
422231 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- The CDT HIPP jobs should have a description what they are used for 2020-09-04
422841 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Qt Index for QObject 2020-09-04
424436 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Add environment variable support in C/C++ remote launch 2020-09-04
424824 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Qt] no errors reported for invalid SIGNAL/SLOT expansions 2020-09-04
425102 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Qt] QtIndex cannot resolve some function calls 2020-09-04
425787 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Qt] Index is not rebuilt when Qt nature is added to a project 2020-09-04
426781 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Qt] QObject::connect content assist should not always be applied 2020-09-04
426784 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Qt] Codan checker for QObject::connect does not handle function calls 2020-09-04
427779 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Broken Content Assist on nested subtypes. 2020-09-04
427842 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- RemoteSystemsTempFiles folder is detected as project 2020-09-04
427976 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- CDT Test Runner does not link to test case in C/C++ Unit View 2020-09-04
429058 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- cout and printf do not produce console output 2020-09-04
429132 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [visualizer] Better management of multiple visualizer 2020-09-04
431012 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Missing IQMakeProjectInfo.updateQMakeInfo() for enforcing calculation 2020-09-04
431921 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Unexpected error while formatting project 2020-09-04
432514 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [visualizer] It's not possible to suspend thread from visualizer when IGdbDebugPreferenceConstants.PREF_HIDE_RUNNING_THREADS is set 2020-09-04
432557 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Addr2line should be marked @noextend or fields should be changed to protected 2020-09-04
432881 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- cannot get output of google test 2020-09-04
436966 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Discovery Profiles Naming Rule block doesn't appear when expected 2020-09-04
436984 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Project properties dialog: directory specifiers invisible 2020-09-04
438733 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Add commands for Run All Tests so they can be bound to keypresses 2020-09-04
438757 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Problem incurred while extracting software 2020-09-04
439473 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Includes path are not included in new project even if present in system variables 2020-09-04
446176 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Create make target handles some eclipse variables but others are not handled 2020-09-04
453389 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Build option not exported in preference file 2020-09-04
458688 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Google Tests Runner fails to handle some typed test cases 2020-09-04
460775 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- unsaved option 2020-09-04
461136 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- On opening it says it stopped on code 13 2020-09-04
461287 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- "Clean Project" does not work correctly for applications which are using statically linked libraries 2020-09-04
461438 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Update the CDT p2 plug-in to support two phase installs 2020-09-04
461956 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Project ordering not consistent 2020-09-04
462161 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Feature-Request: switching inside Eclipse between different compiler-installations of MinGW and MSVC 2020-09-04
462164 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Feature Request] Adding support for custom filetypes => external Preprocessor (like CWEB or Pro*C/C++) <= user defined syntax highligthing 2020-09-04
462992 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [Feature request] Generating UML / Code map from project. 2020-09-04
464459 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- CDT output console can't manage GCC colors and screws error/warning recognition 2020-09-04
465337 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Extensionless Files 2020-09-04
467689 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- CDT Unit Testing Support Open with C/C++ Unit view 2020-09-04
471542 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Static analyzer tool does not see unused local variables and members 2020-09-04
472449 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Visual studio compilers/tools/pathes not properly detected 2020-09-04
473117 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Cannot import a makefile project 2020-09-04
475589 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- UI freeze in NewLaunchConfigTypePage.getNextPage (89) - - ClassLoader.loadClass (-1) 2020-09-04
478012 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Insane defaults for new projects need to be changed. 2020-09-04
478836 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- "Restore Defaults" for Syntax Coloring pref page doesn't work under Dark theme. 2020-09-04
479166 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Erroneous "-mark added to symbol names 2020-09-04
480548 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Eclipse Mars .1 beginning tutorial does not match software configuration 2020-09-04
482051 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Unable to discover Microsoft Visual C++ toolchain with Visual Studio 2015 2020-09-04
486193 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Organize Includes with Boost and other external libraries 2020-09-04
486578 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- project's multi-window consoles incorrectly viewed 2020-09-04
488543 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- CDT Unit testing Boost.Test runner doesn't support Context elements 2020-09-04
489801 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Incorrect definition of __is_trivial() 2020-09-04
494817 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- TAP diagnostic prefix is not ignored when parsing GCC style diagnostics in test output 2020-09-04
494920 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Launching gdbserver inside container fails - requires priviliged container 2020-09-04
496495 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- schema dir should be included in build 2020-09-04
496497 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- update pom.xml to Neon 2020-09-04
496547 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Part RenderingEngine Limbo from Make Target View 2020-09-04
496602 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- #GoodFirstIssue - Replace string concatenation with StringBuilder 2020-11-21
497338 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- [C/C++ Unit view] error outputs shall be shown with wrapped lines and/or in Console 2020-09-04
499777 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Build stability umbrella bug 2022-04-11
500120 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- NPE When clicking on C/C++ Unit test view Test Run History dropdown 2020-09-04
500433 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Fails to profile with perf if program asks for input from cin (standard input) 2020-09-04
501083 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- New C/C++ wizard not in main menu and context menus 2020-09-04
501087 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Confusing extra "new project" entries 2020-09-04
503036 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- "Binary not found" every other launch (via Run As) 2020-09-04
503151 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- NullPointer exception when saving Content Assistant settings 2020-09-04
506509 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- "Convert to a C/C++ project" menu should be moved to "Configure" menu (from "New") 2020-09-04
507672 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Add description of "C/C++ application" entry to Run/Debug Configurations dialog's title area 2020-09-04
510811 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- The extension took too long to return from the 'computeCompletionProposals()' operation 2020-09-04
514461 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Installing software in using the p2 director application is very slow 2020-09-04
514640 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Template settings synchronization adds extra dollar sign to variables 2020-09-04
515390 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Tool chain changement doesn't apply properly 2020-09-04
515876 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- performApply does not save at BinaryParsTab class 2020-09-04
516340 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Error "Could not create the hostShellProcess." Connection is not open 2020-09-04
518197 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Compiler generated fix-it for names appearing multiple times in a line get lost 2020-12-16
519718 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Unresizable area is unreadably small in Paths and Symbols UI 2020-09-04
521512 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- boost test runner is broken by --random program argument 2020-09-04
522386 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Unresolved inclusion when using Dark and Darkest Dark (WebClipse) themes 2020-09-04
522387 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- WebClipse's Darkest Dark showing no toolchains 2020-09-04
522612 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Missing NL for org.eclipse.core.cdt.llvmAssembly 2020-09-04
525338 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- "C++ Unit Testing" extension cannot handle test output 2020-09-07
526935 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Upload AVR-Project to target device 2020-09-04
528732 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Project Properties are not stored and change after restart of Eclipse 2020-09-04
528834 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Proper handling of file head 2020-09-04
530708 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Import of existing project into new workspace is destructive to original project - Provider settings are lost 2020-09-04
530795 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- NPE in when PATH contains inacessible entries 2020-09-04
532855 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Java 10 and Oxygen.3 (4.7.3RC2) 2020-09-04
533841 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- missing files are automatically removed from project 2020-09-04
534922 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Long console output exhausts heap space 2020-09-04
536989 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- cl.exe not found in path although Visual C++ Toolchain was found 2020-09-04
539711 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- External Tools configuration - Build before launch - Specific projects with Include referenced projects builds referenced project multiple times 2020-09-04
544544 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Local includes not detected as expected 2020-09-04
545666 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Double clicking on error in console does not open the file at right line in editor 2020-09-04
548084 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- NullpointerException When Double Clicking gcda File 2020-09-04
548350 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- meson projects fail 2021-12-09
550699 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- SerialPort.read1() should not be blocking 2019-09-05
551059 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Bug fix found - “Program "-E" not found in PATH” 2019-09-14
551339 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- lldb support for standard alone debugger 2019-10-26
552495 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Code formatter throws an exception when launched from command line 2022-04-11
559523 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Deprecate org.eclipse.cdt.ui.dialogs.ICOptionContainer and use IPreferenceMetadataStore 2020-06-14
564743 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Tree view showing non-existent syntax error(s). 2020-06-29
565256 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Launch bar build button depends on preLaunch and buildForLaunch. Change build icon. 2020-07-16
567825 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Missing build configuration selector button in Eclipse CDT 2020-10-13
567966 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- CDT code clean up: type safety warnings 2020-10-29
571380 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Content assist empty list after code template imported 2021-02-20
574480 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Meson build was ok and then stops working 2021-06-28
578186 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Possibly having long filenames on Windows 2022-01-18
579277 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Multiple CDT consoles for multiple builds 2022-06-06
579438 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox NEW --- Unit test run inside container 2022-04-01
143638 CDT cdt-othe cdt-cppunit-inbox NEW --- NPE creating new Cppunit config 2020-09-04
153129 CDT cdt-othe cdt-cppunit-inbox NEW --- CPP Unit Integration 2020-09-04
530034 CDT cdt-othe cdt-indexer-inbox NEW --- build output parser settings reset when importing project 2020-09-04
405121 CDT cdt-othe malaperle NEW --- CDT Test Runner for CppUTest 2020-09-04
561991 CDT cdt-othe alexander.fedorov ASSI --- Remove dependency to from CDT 2021-11-11
494074 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox ASSI --- Improve remote launcher - main tab overwhelming 2020-09-04
378009 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox REOP --- Custom macros in method definitely breaks C/C++ Code folding. 2020-09-04
451929 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox REOP --- Leverage p2 ability to express native packages 2020-09-04
513543 CDT cdt-othe cdt-core-inbox REOP --- LLVM support 2020-09-04
175 bugs found.
