Sun Jun 2 2024 14:44:16 EDT
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117 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
321732 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- [SSE] Resolve template variables 2021-11-18
321801 z_Archiv WTP Incu gabipetrovay NEW --- [SSE] Disable the DLTK semantic validator 2021-11-18
336739 z_Archiv WTP Incu gabipetrovay NEW --- [SSE] Annotation missing when error occurs on the last line 2021-11-18
284470 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Integrate XML Security Tools with XPath view 2021-11-18
284471 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Extend XPath text field with auto completion functionality 2021-11-18
296130 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- XQDT SF FEATURE#2782034: Context variables in templates 2021-11-18
297374 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Block comments don't work correctly. 2021-11-18
321748 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- [SSE] XML tag and string autoclosing 2021-11-18
252241 z_Archiv WTP Incu cameron.bateman NEW --- Method expression hyperlinking does not work in XHTML 2021-11-18
303376 z_Archiv WTP Incu cameron.bateman NEW --- XHTML Editor and JSF Custom Component and Namespace resolution problem.. 2021-11-18
339498 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.donchev NEW --- Editor Marked Dirty on field focus lost, though no change has been made 2021-11-18
337723 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- No validation on imported schemas performed on editor start/open 2021-11-18
337726 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- Validation Error in DT Editor 2021-11-18
337731 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- Wsdl Validation Issues 2021-11-18
337831 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- SIE not adequate with WSDL/schema missing TNS 2021-11-18
337833 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- Remove, Redo, Remove broken 2021-11-18
337834 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- Unresolved val errors on imported wsdl not shown 2021-11-18
337835 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- Set tns of definition -> #null elements not resolved 2021-11-18
337837 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- No validation markers on indir referred elements 2021-11-18
337840 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- Type link of restricted type should be enabled 2021-11-18
337943 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- Docu not set on undo of another operation 2021-11-18
337945 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- No validation on schema for change def tns prefix 2021-11-18
337946 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- Slow change schema namespace 2021-11-18
337947 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- Write in source is very slow 2021-11-18
338227 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- [Bugzilla] Error marker is not on the right place 2021-11-18
338231 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- [Bugzilla] Error marker is not on the right place #2 2021-11-18
338233 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- [Bugzilla] Validation not performed on deleted xsd:import 2021-11-18
338235 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- [Bugzilla] No validation error when del imported schema 2021-11-18
338236 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- [Bugzilla] Extract Namespace on dependent schema broken 2021-11-18
338237 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- [Bugzilla] SIE/DTE xsd import or include should consider namespace 2021-11-18
340148 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- [Usability] No notification that the opened file is read-only 2021-11-18
340152 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- DTE: Renamed prefix does not reconcile model 2021-11-18
340425 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- [DTE][Usability] Disabled "browse..." and "new..." buttons for element reference 2021-11-18
347626 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- Change of xml attribute name not reflected in model 2021-11-18
349768 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- How to handle the update of type (selection of a new type) when the currently edited type is a restriction of another type 2021-11-18
349769 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- Create custom hudson job to start the tests after a successful build of the code 2021-11-18
354701 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- [Test] RemoveSchema tests are running terribly slow 2021-11-18
357074 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- Filter of SIE/DTE tree works for all nodes 2021-11-18
359303 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- Extract Schema from wsdl under Linux produces erroneous artefacts 2021-11-18
364130 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- The constraint section is not visible completely 2021-11-18
366276 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- Network operation while removing schema causes live lock like behavior 2021-11-18
397441 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.tenev NEW --- Changes are not saved when focus is not lost from fields in details page 2021-11-18
330032 z_Archiv WTP Incu gabipetrovay NEW --- [SSE] A warning should be displayed when using a type name without () 2021-11-18
346980 z_Archiv WTP Incu gabipetrovay NEW --- Migrate Zorba debugger protocol to DBGP 2021-11-18
281529 z_Archiv WTP Incu mschmied NEW --- RelaxNG Editor, Validator, and Grammar component 2021-11-18
321052 z_Archiv WTP Incu villard NEW --- [SSE] Code formatting 2021-11-18
254737 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Update "References In ..." menu to detect references from JSF resources. 2021-11-18
308529 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- NLS3.6: PII error with continuation markers "\" 2021-11-18
323696 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Service Interface and Data Types Editors source code and code coverage 2021-11-18
484068 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Contribution of Smart Import extension for Java EE development 2021-11-18
484493 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Gerrit for webtools.incubator 2021-11-18
237413 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Templating/Inclusion Support 2021-11-18
237414 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Template Creation Wizard 2021-11-18
237415 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Taglib creation support 2021-11-18
237421 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Support for EL in template text 2021-11-18
237502 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- [webinar] Use h:panelGroup instead of div in templates 2021-11-18
237506 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- [webinar] Add a "Create new Facelet Page" option 2021-11-18
237520 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- [webinar] Web Page Editor support for Facelets 2021-11-18
237538 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- [webinar] JSPX users may not be supported 2021-11-18
238623 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Content Assistant displays unallowable values for attributes that have boolean, enum or other limited type of value 2021-11-18
238627 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException occured after deleting operation 2021-11-18
239172 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Content assist for ui:param and validation of contributed variables at target templates 2021-11-18
256522 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- 0.1 Incubator build may not work with 3.0.x builds 2021-11-18
298418 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Component Libraries list in JSF Capabilities dialog needs better size proportion 2021-11-18
256328 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Provide Extension Points in core plug-in 2021-11-18
295457 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- XQDT SF BUG#2040308: Java functions aren't supported 2021-11-18
295461 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- XQDT SF BUG#2866047: Cannot execute code from non-XQuery project 2021-11-18
295471 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- XQDT SF BUG#2849743: Support for (eXist) XMLDB 2021-11-18
295474 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- XQDT SF FEATURE#2781185: better error reporting 2021-11-18
296121 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- XQDT SF FEATURE#2782059: Adding XQDT nature to the non-XQuery projects 2021-11-18
296128 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- XQDT SF FEATURE#2782040: Code refactoring 2021-11-18
296132 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- XQDT SF FEATURE#2782028: Errors for mismatched XML tags 2021-11-18
296133 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- XQDT SF FEATURE#2782039: Automatic module import 2021-11-18
296136 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- XQDT SF FEATURE#2782027: Token digesting templates 2021-11-18
296138 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- XQDT SF FEATURE#2782046: Auto-enclosing of template expressions 2021-11-18
296140 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- XQDT SF FEATURE#2782052: Bracket completion proposal in xml partitions 2021-11-18
296143 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- XQDT SF FEATURE#2807593: XQDT Profiler 2021-11-18
297652 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Multiple grammars should be supported. 2021-11-18
298972 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Shipping a lightweight, vendor neutral, XQuery processor in Java 2021-11-18
299163 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Repeated module imports result in repeated completion proposals. 2021-11-18
299885 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Allow editing of XQuery with no interpreter. 2021-11-18
302095 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Support for XQuery interpreters that require multiple JARs 2021-11-18
305049 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- UnsupportedClassVersionError running Websphere XML FEP Thin Client 2021-11-18
307910 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- XDMP-EVALLIBMOD Cannot evaluate library module 2021-11-18
308370 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Enhance the XQDTTypeFactory logic for simple and complex types 2021-11-18
313963 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Evaluate possibilities for adding support for remote launching 2021-11-18
320556 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- XQuery 1.1 Syntax coloring [SSE] 2021-11-18
320570 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- XQuery Full Text Syntax Coloring [SSE] 2021-11-18
320675 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- XQuery Update Facility 1.0 syntax checking (SSE) 2021-11-18
320676 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- XQuery Scripting 1.0 syntax checking (SSE) 2021-11-18
321053 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- [SSE] Contextual template content assist 2021-11-18
321771 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Implement the Validation Framework in WTP 2021-11-18
322149 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- [SSE] An error should be displayed for XML comments containing -- 2021-11-18
323341 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- [SSE] Add a more complex partitioning 2021-11-18
323632 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- [SSE] Align WTP syntax coloring theme with JDT 2021-11-18
336736 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- [SSE] Build the DLTK model from the XQDT SSE model 2021-11-18
339369 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- [SSE] Function documentation 2021-11-18
339372 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- [SSE] keyword completion 2021-11-18
354709 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Installation Error 2021-11-18
355987 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- NewLazyTokenStream loses track of line numbers 2021-11-18
355988 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- NewLazyTokenStream doesn't start on "valid" token 2021-11-18
357002 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- comments out MarkLogic feature 2021-11-18
365572 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Cannot change syntax coloring 2021-11-18
371483 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Xquery outline view is always empty 2021-11-18
372740 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- Parse error in XQuery Scripting Syntax 2021-11-18
298379 z_Archiv WTP Incu sam.neth NEW --- Implicit import of core MarkLogic extensions happens for strict dialect. 2021-11-18
306643 z_Archiv WTP Incu NEW --- MarkLogic builtins that don't take arguments do not have a summary description 2021-11-18
256330 z_Archiv WTP Incu ASSI --- Keystore handling in XML Signature Wizard not working 2021-11-18
333263 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.donchev ASSI --- [SIE] Incorrect errors shown in SI editor 2021-11-18
334483 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.donchev ASSI --- Base Type's instead of type's name displayed in Element's type combo 2021-11-18
338189 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.donchev ASSI --- Exception thrown selecting primitive xsd's 2021-11-18
343037 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.donchev ASSI --- Export schema command produces invalid documents when multiple schemas are being exported 2021-11-18
299653 z_Archiv WTP Incu d_a_carver ASSI --- xquery project needs CQ for "third party dependencies" for PMC Review 2021-11-18
297649 z_Archiv WTP Incu sam.neth ASSI --- Parser support for MarkLogic multi-transaction modules is incorrect. 2021-11-18
267500 z_Archiv WTP Incu ASSI --- Integrate detached decryption functionality in XML Decryption wizard 2021-11-18
351924 z_Archiv WTP Incu dimitar.donchev ASSI --- [Task] Run & Test SIE on Indigo 2021-11-18
292341 z_Archiv WTP Incu villard REOP --- [SSE] Function completion in SSE 2021-11-18
117 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "WTP Incubator" component of the "z_Archived" product