Sun Jun 2 2024 12:45:33 EDT
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42 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
441163 z_Archiv Recommen marcel.bruch UNCO --- Exception while indexing %s 2019-07-24
526785 z_Archiv Recommen recommenders-inbox UNCO --- the program hangs randomly. 2019-07-24
501896 z_Archiv Recommen sewe UNCO --- NoClassDefFoundError in TemplateActivator.getSharedStateModule 2019-07-24
431844 z_Archiv Recommen achmetow84 NEW --- More details for selected completion types 2019-07-24
432735 z_Archiv Recommen achmetow84 NEW --- [sharding data] Share triggered commands 2019-07-24
442605 z_Archiv Recommen achmetow84 NEW --- Code Completion Triggered diagram displays wrong values 2019-07-24
474241 z_Archiv Recommen achmetow84 NEW --- Implement Git Data View 2019-07-24
474261 z_Archiv Recommen achmetow84 NEW --- [bug] SWT redraw() does not work on Windows 2019-07-24
496098 z_Archiv Recommen achmetow84 NEW --- Cannot be installed with latest version of Code Recommenders 2019-07-24
496139 z_Archiv Recommen achmetow84 NEW --- [build] Increment dev stats version to higher version 2019-07-24
496225 z_Archiv Recommen achmetow84 NEW --- [ui] Move the Dev-Stats Dialog to a stand alone Eclipse-View 2019-07-24
514600 z_Archiv Recommen achmetow84 NEW --- [ui] Optimize the update policy for long running jobs 2019-07-24
437433 z_Archiv Recommen NEW --- Test integration of Logback Beagle into Eclipse 2019-07-24
437434 z_Archiv Recommen NEW --- Make the logback configuration available at runtime 2019-07-24
442417 z_Archiv Recommen akif8877 NEW --- Detailed informations on "Eclipse Activity" bar chart 2019-07-24
444061 z_Archiv Recommen akif8877 NEW --- Use 0:30 as y-axis label rather than 0.5 hours 2019-07-24
492766 z_Archiv Recommen akif8877 NEW --- [ui] Fill overview pages with more meaningful content 2019-07-24
432787 z_Archiv Recommen johannes.dorn NEW --- Require-Bundle of org.antlr.runtime but not in target platform 2019-07-24
439729 z_Archiv Recommen johannes.dorn NEW --- Create Oomph configuration 2019-07-24
432414 z_Archiv Recommen mail NEW --- Suggest 'mvn deploy:deploy-file' if coordinate is missing 2019-07-24
432415 z_Archiv Recommen mail NEW --- Use local m2 repo as cache 2019-07-24
432424 z_Archiv Recommen mail NEW --- Let Providers print out their own synopsis 2019-07-24
432425 z_Archiv Recommen mail NEW --- Minimize Livedoc download size 2019-07-24
432442 z_Archiv Recommen mail NEW --- Javadoc whole m2 repos with one cmd line call 2019-07-24
432444 z_Archiv Recommen mail NEW --- Links: types in method recommendations should be simple TypeNames 2019-07-24
432445 z_Archiv Recommen mail NEW --- Inter-project links 2019-07-24
432447 z_Archiv Recommen mail NEW --- "What to call on returned object" taglet 2019-07-24
434288 z_Archiv Recommen mail NEW --- Print a summary report at the end 2019-07-24
434324 z_Archiv Recommen mail NEW --- Test suite for ClassDoc to ITypeName, MethodDoc to IMethodName conversion 2019-07-24
435283 z_Archiv Recommen mail NEW --- Links generated to methods declared in the same class do not work 2019-07-24
437269 z_Archiv Recommen marcel.bruch NEW --- UnsupportedOperationException while indexing: Operation only supported in JLS2, JLS3 and JLS4 ASTs 2019-07-24
439774 z_Archiv Recommen marcel.bruch NEW --- Use different stats URIs for head and milestone update sites 2019-07-24
507883 z_Archiv Recommen sewe NEW --- Replace EclipseLabs xtext-testing dependency 2019-07-24
529513 z_Archiv Recommen sewe NEW --- [wiring] Uses constraint violation prevents resolution of org.eclipse.recommenders.templates.snipmatch.rcp 2019-07-24
434430 z_Archiv Recommen stefan.prisca NEW --- NPE when saving an empty .cSnip file 2019-07-24
434434 z_Archiv Recommen stefan.prisca NEW --- Improve parsing of numeric constants 2019-07-24
439513 z_Archiv Recommen stefan.prisca NEW --- Template Grammar Requirements 2019-07-24
460765 z_Archiv Recommen yasser.aziza NEW --- InjectionException under Kepler 2019-07-24
437435 z_Archiv Recommen ASSI --- Provide a Logback-to-Bugzilla Appender 2019-07-24
439776 z_Archiv Recommen sewe ASSI --- Use different stats URIs for head and milestone update sites 2019-07-24
437436 z_Archiv Recommen ASSI --- Provide documentation how to use the logging feature 2019-07-24
436657 z_Archiv Recommen marcel.bruch REOP --- Luna Target platform outdated 2019-07-24
42 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Recommenders.incubator" component of the "z_Archived" product