Sat Jun 1 2024 10:49:33 EDT
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70 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
397176 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- m2e-wtp doesn't seem to respect maven war plugin's <webResources> configuration element 2020-06-03
401852 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- maven generates dummy code 2020-06-03
403669 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- maven-war-plugin do not pick-up all the resources specified from initial build 2013-03-18
405559 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- Error in regenerate org.eclipse.wst.common.component 2013-11-07
417150 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- classpath incomplete when classifier used 2013-09-13
417217 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- @*@ tokens not being filtered 2013-09-13
424199 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- Maven Update Project removes Maven Dependencies 2013-12-18
434497 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- M2E-WTP not API compatible with maven-ear-plugin org.apache.maven.plugin.ear.output.FileNameMapping 2014-05-09
447716 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- Missing pom.xml/pom.propeties from deployed jar projects 2015-11-02
452123 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- Generated MANIFEST.MF line ending not using workspace default 2014-11-19
454919 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- Errors running builder 'Maven Project Builder' on project - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 2014-12-11
454945 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- Updating Maven Project repeatedly throws exception 2014-12-11
455864 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- target/m2e-wtp/web-resources/WEB-INF does not exist with Eclipse build actions 2014-12-22
461613 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- maven-ear-plugin <skinnyWars> setting is not honored 2022-08-30
462591 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- Missing "Web Deployment Assembly" entry 2015-03-19
481409 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- m2e-wtp does not support webjars as Maven depedencies 2015-11-04
482284 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- LATEST meta-version not supported properly 2016-01-12
488417 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- Allow programmatically override or disable of project configurators 2016-03-09
511052 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- Path separator character in pom property is duplicated in filtered resources (web.xml) 2017-01-25
525898 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- Converting existing EAR project to Maven causes deployment assembly dependencies to be lost 2017-10-11
529242 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- Cannot install m2e-wtp on Oxygen 4.7.2 (version Eclipse IDE for Java Developers) 2017-12-27
529915 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- m2e-wtp doesn't pick up refreshed webResources 2018-01-27
530741 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- /src/test/resources bound to WEB-INF/classes 2018-02-05
537401 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- Classpath entry org.eclipse.m2e.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER will not be exported or published. Runtime ClassNotFoundExceptions may result. 2022-08-31
538561 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- genTestSrcDir in Deployment Assembly causes test classes and resources to deploy 2018-09-10
538843 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- m2e-wtp fail to link jar with nested resources in pom.xml and war/ear 2018-09-14
549164 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- m2e-wtp 1.4.1 Don't uses resources from workspace resolution 2019-07-11
551467 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- web-fragment JAR is not copied to WEB-INF/lib (omnifaces) 2019-10-02
551806 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- Classes Missing from Jar 2019-10-05
560719 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- Silently failing project configuration 2020-03-03
573302 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- POM editor's close tag assist is putting the end tag in the wrong place 2021-05-01
573542 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- Installation of maven cosole log fails 2021-05-14
573878 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- Generation of java files from xsd with xjc fails 2021-06-01
576681 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- M2E does not follow maven-ear-plugin output filename mapping change since version 3.0.0 of the plugin 2021-10-17
577056 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- Maven build lock jar files in .m2 directory 2021-11-04
577938 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- Maven pom loader mangles UNC path failing to load pom file from docker image under Windows WSL 2022-01-02
578517 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- NullPointerException is thrown when using Maven POM editor 2022-02-01
578830 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- Illegal character in path in MavenRuntimeClasspathProvider.addJarsFromBundle 2022-03-17
581734 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox UNCO --- Circular reference detected trying to get service {org.eclipse.m2e.core.project.IMavenProjectChangedListener} 2023-03-31
384660 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- m2e version 1.0 fails to update dependencies on opened sub projects when Workspace Resolution is enabled 2012-07-23
388446 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- Adding a resource filter for "target" makes Eclipse continually show and unshow the "target" folder 2012-08-30
392455 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- [conversion] application.xml is overwritten 2017-02-08
401429 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- Version 1.2 of project facet java does not exist. 2013-02-23
401882 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- Use build final name as default context root for EAR web modules 2013-02-27
405476 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- Use m2e 1.4 new IMavenExecutionContext API 2013-04-11
410827 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml always taking priority instead of filtered version when using Tomcat "Serve modules without publishing" 2014-05-21
412213 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- Cannot configure a new packaging type with an existing m2e-wtp Configurator due to the ProjectConfiguratorDelegateFactory 2014-10-31
413375 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- Provide the ability to suppress test-jar is not full supported warnings 2022-09-16
415021 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- Exception importing multi-module maven project in eclipse 2014-10-29
421895 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- Maven overwrites project GWT settings 2013-12-18
424543 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- Recieving error when changing <packaging> to ear 2013-12-20
426758 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- NullPointerException in project refresh or import 2014-01-27
434495 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- M2E-WTP does not honor maven-ear-plugin <dependencies> 2014-05-09
437668 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- m2e is using the system JRE when exporting wars (on Windows at least) 2016-09-07
455865 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- Deployment dir contains same named file from target/classes instead of target/m2e-wtp/web-resources/WEB-INF/classes (or target/test-classes) 2014-12-22
466417 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- Can't create maven web app using archetype "maven-archetype-webapp" 2015-05-05
471880 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- Warning about unsupported project dependencies for test scopes 2015-07-06
472959 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- A maven project's Java version is downgraded after adding it as a dependency to a Dynamic Web App project 2015-07-31
514583 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- <failOnMissingWebXml> property should be ignored with maven-war-plugin >= 3.0.0 2017-04-03
521813 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- Maven Dependencies disappear and a build folder comes up when switch packaging in pom.xml to rar 2017-09-26
542693 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- Enable context menu for the 'Deployed Resources' node 2018-12-13
543057 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- "Maven -> Update Project" keeps adding more and more whitespaces and newlines to org.eclipse.wst.common.component 2023-04-20
561783 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- Update Maven Project deletes Tomcat reference in .classpath 2020-04-06
563438 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- NullPointerException in VirtualFolder.tagResource( 2020-05-21
573268 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox NEW --- Cannot disable warning about maven test-jar 2021-05-11
538559 M2E-WTP Core m2e.core-inbox NEW --- Importing a Maven project with preconfigured APT results in genTestSrcDir being put into deployment 2018-12-28
487370 M2E-WTP Core fbricon ASSI --- Maven custom web.xml Filtering Does Not Work 2017-01-05
407839 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox REOP --- Unable to Add Projects in Server Configuration 2015-08-25
498313 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox REOP --- Invalid application.xml generated for Mavenized Eclipse projects 2016-07-25
566617 M2E-WTP Core m2e-wtp.core-inbox REOP --- [search] Completions do not show the first time, but do the second time 2020-10-25
70 bugs found.
