Sat Jun 1 2024 06:59:52 EDT
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24 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
461555 Kura Core kura.core-inbox UNCO --- Enhancement with modems 2016-01-06
463915 Kura Core kura.core-inbox UNCO --- Data Service will not connect for other locale than an english one 2016-04-13
474906 Kura Core kura.core-inbox UNCO --- sets invalid values on WifiAccessPoints strength property 2016-01-06
477275 Kura Core kura.core-inbox UNCO --- a detailed exception should be thrown whenever a component is 'unresolved' 2016-01-06
480434 Kura Core kura.core-inbox UNCO --- Multiple bluetooth le devices connection problem 2016-01-06
480484 Kura Core kura.core-inbox UNCO --- Concurrency problem in deployment agent service ? 2016-01-06
480606 Kura Core kura.core-inbox UNCO --- getEthernetDriver exception in Kura no network version 2016-01-06
486459 Kura Core kura.core-inbox UNCO --- Hardcoded timeout in BluetoothLE calls to gatttool 2016-01-25
488158 Kura Core kura.core-inbox UNCO --- org.eclipse.kura.example.ble.tisensortag sample not working 2016-02-22
519283 Kura Core kura.core-inbox UNCO --- Kura plugin(DP) remote installation is not working on actual device (Raspberry Pi-2) 2017-07-06
529220 Kura Core kura.core-inbox UNCO --- !MESSAGE Could not bind a reference of component 2018-01-02
534805 Kura Core kura.core-inbox UNCO --- 2018-05-17
537848 Kura Core kura.core-inbox UNCO --- getting error while setting up eclipse kura environment 2018-08-10
543879 Kura Core kura.core-inbox UNCO --- unvalid user name and passward accepted 2019-01-28
549561 Kura Core kura.core-inbox UNCO --- site engineer core network ericsson 2019-07-25
440544 Kura Core kura.core-inbox NEW --- Consider providing a Maven archetype for Kura bundle scaffolding 2016-01-06
450214 Kura Core kura.core-inbox NEW --- Stopping Kura with Monit 2016-01-06
456781 Kura Core kura.core-inbox NEW --- [website] Images in "Solution Showcases" should be clickable 2016-01-06
476616 Kura Core kura.core-inbox NEW --- Kura NN should not depend on ethtool, bind9, isc-dhcp-server, hostapd 2016-01-06
480530 Kura Core kura.core-inbox NEW --- Update MQTT Namespace guidelines in the online doc 2016-01-06
481526 Kura Core kura.core-inbox NEW --- Increase Configurability of CloudService 2016-01-06
481529 Kura Core kura.core-inbox NEW --- Pure Java Kura 2016-01-06
506615 Kura Core kura.core-inbox NEW --- [website] Broken image link in header demo 2016-10-27
459361 Kura Core kura.core-inbox ASSI --- Unable to add same open port in firewall for tcp and udp 2016-01-06
24 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Core" component of the "Kura" product