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[xtext-dev] Dealing with variable length tokens (Hollerith)

I recently was asking about parsing IGES files using xtext, which included Hollerith strings in the specification. These strings are denoted by an int value, the number of characters, followed by a 'H' and then the string. To parse such tokens, you recommended I use a custom lexer. I was able to get decent parsing to work using this approach, but was curious if the way I am lexing is not optimal or recommended.

To handle a token like 9Hmy String, for example, I added a terminal rule in my grammar called HOLLERITH with this definition:

terminal HOLLERITH:
    INT 'H' . ;

and then created a new CustomIGESLexer that extended the generated InternalIEGSLexer. I then overrode the mTokens() method to check for these Hollerith strings first before allowing the internal lexer to work for any other token. I was wondering if this is a good approach, because I do not want to write a completely unique lexer, I just want to provide custom lexing for the Hollerith strings. The code is something like this:

public void mTokens() throws RecognitionException {
    if (isHollerith()) {
    } else {

try {
    int _type = RULE_HOLLERITH;
    int _channel = DEFUALT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;

    //... get the token, match the characters with match()

    state.type = _type; = _channel;
    } finally {

I tried to resemble the style of the internal lexer when creating the custom rules. The isHollerith() just checks for an int followed immediately by a 'H'

    private boolean isHollerith() {
        int index = 1;
        int cur = input.LA(index);
        // See if an int starts the string
        while (cur >= '0' && cur <= '9') {
            cur = input.LA(index);
        // Followed by an 'H'
        return index > 1 && cur == 'H';

This might be a terrible way to customize the lexer rules, but it works for now.

Thank you,

Kasper Gammeltoft
Oak Ridge National Lab,
Computer Science & Mathematics Division
Computer Science Research Group

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