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Re: [xtext-dev] Re: [FAILED] M2T XPAND HEAD Build 0.7.0 / N200905151021 done [10:24]

Hi Nick,
that are pretty cool new features!
We will consider to use them in the next milestone.


Nick Boldt schrieb:
Try adding these new Eclipse 3.5 options [1] to .releng/builder/all/



On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 8:42 AM, Dennis Hübner <dennis.huebner@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:dennis.huebner@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    Hello all,
    The problem is clear now.
    typesystem.uml2 feature is included in xtend-dependency feature, which
    included in the xtend feature where typesystem.emf is also included.
    typsystem.uml2 requires typesystem.emf. So compiling order is:
    xtend feature -> all included features -> all included plugins
    That means uml2 feature will be compiled before typesystem.emf is
    compiled, so fails.
    We should remove typesystem uml2/xsd from xtend dependencies, than add
    new typesystem emf feature and add this new feature to xtend
    feature as
    first included feature.
    I'm pretty sure that this is the right way to solve this issue or
    are there
    any reasons why we should not do so?


    Patrick Schönbach schrieb:

        On 17.05.2009 18:14, Nick Boldt wrote:

            Does it fail for the same reason ("no protocol:
            ${xsdruntimeURL}") ?
            Or something else?

        It fails because org.eclipse.xtend.typesystem.emf is not
        resolved even it is there.


    xtext-dev mailing list
    xtext-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:xtext-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Nick Boldt :: JBoss, a division of Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash CBI

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