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[xtext-dev] Changes in EMF Index


the EMF index has changed drastically. Main issues

1) Iteration of resource contents is no longer done by a static component (the IndexFeeder) but pluggable. That way, users can decide how deep the index should descent into their models. 2) I've introduced a generic way of listening to model resource changes on file level. See EmfResourceChangeListener. 3) The class IndexBuilderImpl notifies all registered resource change listeners of changes. This class is not depending on the UI, but used by the project builder. It allows similar behavior outside of eclipse. 4) I've implemented a first shot at index event handling. Clients can now register to IndexChangeEvents on the index store. 5) Results retruned from a query are now Iterable<DescType> rather than collections. This will allow easier adaption to a JDBC backend, as well as scalable handling of results. To see how this can be incorporated into the you, have a look at the FIndEClassByType dialog.

I hope not to cause too much confusion. I will face the open bugs, e.g. concurrency problems, on Friday.


Dr. Jan Köhnlein
Senior Software Architekt

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